Bhutan had almost no crime until 1999, when its government lifted the ban on television – IOTW Report

Bhutan had almost no crime until 1999, when its government lifted the ban on television


Very interesting…

April 2002 was a turbulent month for the people of Bhutan. One of the remotest nations in the world, perched high in the snowlines of the Himalayas, suffered a crime wave. The 700,000 inhabitants of a kingdom that calls itself the Land of the Thunder Dragon had never experienced serious law-breaking before. Yet now there were reports from many towns and villages of fraud, violence and even murder.


8 Comments on Bhutan had almost no crime until 1999, when its government lifted the ban on television

  1. You might want to read “I See Far” by; A Friend of Medjugorje

    The Blessed Virgin has provided a very clear view of television and as she directs us to … “Avoid television” You will be told; How this device puts your judgemental capacities to sleep as it were and then you fail to find the programming to be evil, thus allowing you to view images that seduce you. TV is ruining us all.

  2. Freakenomics and Super Freakenomics covered this in Their Books.

    As TV spread along Central/South America, Violence elevated along with it.

    it did not matter what the Content was…I love Lucy or Westerns….

    I think it’s the Ads….People are happy…Until the TV shows how good the rest

    of the World is doing….and They’re missing out.

  3. Blacks living in the south before intergration lived peaceful lives, had intact families and entered the professions like law and medicine. After the left busted up their families and brought them into the eastern cities, blacks became welfare-dependent ignoramuses and criminals. Just ask Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson:

    Modern tv programming brings innocent country people into the corruption of the worst of big city life. Bhutan should start cutting off hands before it’s too late.


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