Biden Authorizes Use of US Missiles on Targets in Russia – IOTW Report

Biden Authorizes Use of US Missiles on Targets in Russia


According to Politico and the New York Times the Biden administration has given Ukraine approval to launch U.S provided missiles into Russia.  {LINK} This is a major escalation of NATO engagement, likely intended to provoke Russia to strike alternate targets.  The people inside Ukraine responsible for using these U.S. provided weapons are likely not Ukranian. More

23 Comments on Biden Authorizes Use of US Missiles on Targets in Russia

  1. Note to Putin: They are Biden, the neocons, the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex and the rest of the usual suspect’s who are supporting this, you won’t find much support for it in MAGA where people who just want to be left alone live

  2. It is MOST unfortunate the numb-minded, brain-dead, liberals have enough control to start a world war, any war, in order to remain in power.

    I doubt seriously you would have to ask me about my preferred choice of punishment for such heathens of society.

  3. If the MSM did their job Obama couldn’t get away with this. Kinda makes ya wonder whose side they’re on. Read Wayne Allen Root’s column in today’s Gateway Pundit.

  4. One thing to keep in mind. For any U.S. missiles more complicated than a bottle rocket, you can be sure that it will be operated by U.S. personnel. It won’t be Ukrainian guys merely using U.S. weaponry, but U.S. guys using U.S. weaponry. This might conceivably make a difference to Vlad and influence what he decides to do about it.

  5. As things look more dire for the Libtards to remain in power the closer we will edge to a nuclear conflict. They prefer chaos when the indictments start coming down. I’m hoping Putin and Trump still have that back channel.

  6. Joe Bidet: I can’t unnerstand why anybody would accuse me of starting WWI or WWII let alone WWIII.

    I just want my friend Zoolinsicky to use our US bombs to bomb the beejeezbies of Russia. My military advisors say Russia won’t mind a bit….they’re used to it. I don’t want WWIII…Jill doesn’t want WWIII. I don’t want WWIV, or WWV either, or even god-damned WW Soixante-neuf. So everbody just be quiet and think like your President wants you to think. That was our side deal when you elected me. Remember?

  7. “After today’s nuclear strike on Washington DC, Biden officials are stunned at this unprovoked attack….”
    Don’t say you weren’t warned.

  8. The dumb fucks in charge of our government have no clue of the consequences.
    Putin was not bluffing in activating his nuclear training exercises.
    Be prepared for nuclear war. One hit in the USA will end the war. The Demoncrats will be running around like chicken little while the Republicans will be writing strongly worded letters.

  9. Time to put on your tinfoil hats.
    This was not just Biden. There is a whole list of countries that approved this. You best duck & cover, I heard a student’s desk werks. Putin use nukes? Maybe the whoooooole world should just submit to his call for world domination. That well be a bigly HELL NO! But Putin is way overdue for a nuke cocktail. Bottoms up bitch.


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