Biden Blaming Putin for Coming Global Famine – IOTW Report

Biden Blaming Putin for Coming Global Famine


During a NATO press conference in Madrid [Transcript Here], today Joe Biden specifically attributed the upcoming global food shortage to Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Biden was emphatic when responding to a question about oil costs, western nation energy development and the pending food shortage. More

19 Comments on Biden Blaming Putin for Coming Global Famine

  1. Joe sure is lucky he has Vlad to blame for everything. (As if anyone is buying it.)

    The United States is no longer a legitimate country while he is in ‘office.’

  2. If you listen to that flaming Jackass Joe you’d think that Vladimir Putin wuz the most powerful man on planet Earff! Gosh Wally, there isn’t a thing he can’t do!

  3. Biden’s Marxist globalist handlers are to blame for purposefully causing our food problems in order to better rule us under Marxism. I even blame Biden’s globalist handlers for the war in the Ukraine. Our Republic’s #1 enemy in the world by far is in DC.

  4. Remember when the democrat jag offs blamed everything on COVID? That got old so now all problems are because of Putin. No personal responsibility in any way.

  5. Taffyhead Biden admitting a global famine
    is coming

    Has TAFFYHEAD warned the American people?
    Are the American people entitled to be WARNED?
    Does TAFFYHEAD give a shit?

    Is Biden on your side?

  6. Joe Biden has long since been known among his colleagues and real global leaders of being a very stupid guy who bets on himself. He is nothing less than being worthy of mocking and ridicule.

  7. As our home-grown communists propel our nation towards communism, they blame other communists for the results of their embrace of communism.

    When the bottom is reached, the answer, will be communism.

  8. @General Malaise July 1, 2022 at 9:59 pm

    > Does stealing an election make someone President?
    > This entire administration is NULL and VOID.


    But The Rank And VFile(TM) are still an heroes.

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