Biden Unresponsive – IOTW Report

Biden Unresponsive

21 Comments on Biden Unresponsive

  1. I’d like to be a fly on the wall in the ruling class brain trust of the Dem power brokers as they lament the fact that they pulled out every stop and trick in the book to steal the election for THIS guy. All that for nothing.

    And Trump still remains standing. lol


  2. The election wasn’t stolen for Biden, he was the most acceptable out of all of the people running. Imagine that. They just could not have Bernie get the nod. Every one of those scummy candidates made some kind of Faustian deal to drop out and support Biden.

    And Jill had to be on board, she’s got a black soul for that move.

    Trump is still a dynamo but he is definitely aging.

  3. To 🤡🌎 : I “see the “resting retard” face of a mouth breathing, window licking moron” every time his face appears on the Internet or TV.

  4. I think there’s something more wrong with Joe than dementia. He just doesn’t look well, his facial features look sick. I am serious here. I don’t think he’s going to be around much longer. What was in the jab they gave him the other day?

  5. He just landed in Seattle to celebrate Earth day. He was in Portland OR earlier to talk about “infrastructure.” After AntiFa burned down and looted the city, I guess it could use some.

  6. How does Obama get to be President again? As soon as they figure it out, they’ll put Joe aside and install Barack, The Protector of American Democracy. Only as long as extremism is a danger, mind you.

  7. Biden’s not in charge of anything. Our enemies are in charge of our country, and Biden is the wall they’re hiding behind as they destroy us.

  8. He is getting worse and worse , and the problems his handlers are creating are increasing to the point where more public appearances are necessary which is something he should avoid . His color is bad , his gait has visibly changed … I think he will either just fall over or do something extremely outrageous that can’t be explained away . He is not fit for duty . McCain at the end was waaaay out there , I remember Mad Dog Mattis being sent to McCain’s senate office to do a behind doors redressing , then McCain coming out into the senate hallway to say something or other to a few reporters . Biden is worse .


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