Biden Uses $4.8 Billion in Taxpayer Money to Buy 80,000 Votes – IOTW Report

Biden Uses $4.8 Billion in Taxpayer Money to Buy 80,000 Votes

Yahoo! News

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it would forgive an additional $4.8 billion in student loan debt for nearly 80,400 borrowers.

“Before President Biden took office, it was virtually impossible for eligible borrowers to access the student debt relief they rightfully earned,” U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said in a statement. “This level of debt relief is unparalleled and we have no intention of slowing down.”

The administration has now canceled a total of nearly $132 billion for more than 3.6 million Americans, the Department of Education said. More

9 Comments on Biden Uses $4.8 Billion in Taxpayer Money to Buy 80,000 Votes

  1. Personally, I don’t think you can have too many womyn’s studies majors and their student loans should be forgiven lest Starbucks runs out of baristas.

  2. Does anybody know someone that has had their student loan forgiven?
    Or are all the them named Biden or Zelenskyy.
    I paid mine and my sons student loans, can I get a refund?

  3. Sounds like B.S., but the Devil never sleeps.

    Want to provide relief: have the schools refund from their trusts, after the baristas give back their useless diplomas.

  4. Pretty obvious. He is a professional criminal.

    He has learned how to steal your money and use it to buy people to threaten you as he sees fit.

    He has no honor, and never had any.

    You do not negotiate with psychopaths like this. You stop him.


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