Biden Wants Taxpayers to Write a $10,000 Check to Every College Grad Making $300,000 – IOTW Report

Biden Wants Taxpayers to Write a $10,000 Check to Every College Grad Making $300,000

Criminal, but inevitable.

Jihad Watch:
The Democrats have a sizable demographic of upper-class people with MAs and PhDs who account for both a disproportionate amount of student loan debt and primary activism. Call it the Elizabeth Warren demographic. Those people want a very big government handout that they’re calling “student loan forgiveness”.

Even Biden’s people realize that just having the government cover $1.75 trillion to its voter base might be a bit much, so they’re starting with $230 billion.

White House officials are currently planning to cancel $10,000 in student debt per borrower, after months of internal deliberations over how to structure loan forgiveness for tens of millions of Americans, three people with knowledge of the matter said.

President Biden had hoped to make the announcement as soon as this weekend at the University of Delaware commencement, the people said, but that timing has changed after the massacre Tuesday in Texas.

The White House’s latest plans called for limiting debt forgiveness to Americans who earned less than $150,000 in the previous year, or less than $300,000 for married couples filing jointly, two of the people said. It was unclear whether the administration will simultaneously require interest and payments to resume at the end of August, when the current pause is scheduled to lapse.

Quite a high-class problem. 

14 Comments on Biden Wants Taxpayers to Write a $10,000 Check to Every College Grad Making $300,000

  1. This is such bullshit. Where in the constitution does it say the POTUS has the right to spend taxpayer dollars to buy votes? This country is so unbelievably fucked.

  2. I paid 24k with 8% interest.Went 4 hours M-F
    for 2 years after 10 hours on the construction
    site in the Florida heat.I earned my lower middle
    class tech degree.Made the National Vocational-
    Technical Honor Society.I don’t need the hardworking
    tax payers to pay for my Education.I bet alot of the
    Guys & Gals out here have the same story as Radioman ???

  3. @Radioman – I went in the Corps for 6 years, trained in electronics. I make a good living as an automation tech in the oil/gas industry, been at it 21 years. Easily could have went to college, but wanted to do something different

  4. Yep, Air Force tech school, Ground Radio Repair 30454. Ended up working as an electronic tech for defense contractors. Made a decent living and enjoyed the work.

  5. The obvious question to me is if you’re making $150K a year (or $300K Married/joint) then why can’t you pay your own Student debt? Why does my Blue-collar taxes need to pay your college bills ( and probably the college loans of your kids too)?


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