Bidenomics in All Its Glory – IOTW Report

Bidenomics in All Its Glory

Daily Caller

Average Americans are finding homes and cars increasingly unaffordable as inflation from high government spending raises prices and degrades purchasing power.

Half of consumers are being priced out of the car market as the cost of a monthly car loan payment is far exceeding what an average American can afford, while the home affordability index has fallen from a 169.9 point average in 2020 to 87.8 points as of July, according to the National Association of Realtors. One key driver of the rising expenses is inflation, which peaked at 9.1% in June 2022 and is linked to high government spending under the Biden administration, according to experts who spoke to the Daily Caller News Foundation. More

19 Comments on Bidenomics in All Its Glory


    It’s inevitable. Xmas craziness is not that far away. This is intentional. The powers to be are hell bent on inflicting pain on traditional Americana. They hate us. The current illegal immigrant number in our country now equal the population of our 15 smallest states. I have zero compassion for them. Go home before the shooting starts.

  2. Recently bought a house for my kid at college, built in 1964, 3 bedroom brick ranch on 7.5 acres. Negotiated for 3 months, got the pile talked down to $72k. I just got back from spending a week there working my ass off with my son to get the place livable by next semester. I’ll be there for 3-4 more weeks to accomplish all the tasks required by then. Several tasks need to be put off until next spring/summer.

    No clue how people live and afford to have the work done by hired hands. My realtor got several quotes before we closed for all the work that needs to be done. I only took up 1 contractor for foundation work. DIY’ing the rest is saving around $50k.

    My son will rent the other 2 bedrooms and I no longer need to send him money. With the added benefit he’s in college as an automotive technician. Don’t spend for car repair labor.

    Now I just need to convince my younger son to go to the same college and live in the same house. Or don’t go to college at all.

    I find it impossible to live in this economy without creative solutions and skills to get shit done.

  3. part of me just doesn’t understand what these companies are doing.
    Wally World, Target’, Barfer King, Bud Light, et. alia, deliberately driving away customers … why?
    I personally know libtards that wouldn’t be caught dead in a Wal-Mart, drink a Bud Light or, Heaven forbid!, a Barfer King

    the question is: why are these companies deliberately driving away their customer base?

    the only thing I can think of is the owners of these companies are second & third generation of inheritance, real ‘true believers’ in the Satanic Socialism that they’re trying desperately to create, or at least be invited to the latest ‘Fish & Goose Soiree’ at the Hamptons … for a better Utopia, now that they’ll be in charge

    & as in all ‘revolutions’ (US Revolution excepted), once the peasants stand down to a reasonable, ruling degree, the merciful beheadings of the ‘believers’ begin.
    the only survivors of these ‘revolutions’ & ‘purges’ are the common folk … always have been, always will be … all civilizations are … eventually

    stock up … it’s a Brave New World Comrade … & don’t forget to bring your shovel

  4. What kind of question is I miss jimma carta? Are you kidding me joey is carter on steroids. I lived thru the malaise years of carter and he sucked but joey is far worse and more evil and corrupt. Mr. Peanut was just inept and in over his head and incompetent at best. At least carter could claim to be a Christian, joey sure as hell can’t. Who’s going to take a dirt nap first? Carter at 99 and still kicking or a barely functioning evil idiot like joey.

  5. Beg to differ.
    Carter was (is) just as evil as the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey Biden.
    Maybe not a pervert like Biden, and certainly not a Usurper, but evil nonetheless.
    He did his best to destroy America at a time when Americans weren’t putting up with so much crap as we do now. He sucked up to the izlamic maggots and famously said “you don’t poke a stick at a polecat” referring to Iran, if memory serves. His anti-nuke and anti-capital stands crippled America – which he did with malice aforethought. “Incompetence” cannot explain four uninterrupted years of destruction.
    Carter is a malevolent maggot and (I suspect) Hell awaits him.

    “Never attribute to incompetence what can safely be attributed to malice.”

    “Fritz and Gritz Gimee the Shitz”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It also covers up the shrinking population of those who are not recent unjabbed immigrants.
    Shutting down vital industry doesn’t make much sense, unless these company’s have inside knowledge that customer base is about to shrink drastically.
    Something going on there that no one is talking about, that’s is for sure.


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