Big Labor’s Big Problem with Sexual Harassment – IOTW Report

Big Labor’s Big Problem with Sexual Harassment

Five shocking stories of sexual misconduct within the AFL-CIO and SEIU labor unions.

NTK: An explosive new report from Bloomberg News uncovers a startling revelation – America’s biggest labor unions are some of the worst offenders when it comes to sexual harassment and misconduct.

Below are the five most shocking stories about that misconduct:

1. Job Protection in Exchange for Sexual Relationship

[The AFL-CIO’s chief budget officer, Terry] Stapleton, who oversaw employees’ expenses and travel, allegedly sent a secretary lewd messages and urged her to come to his hotel room during a meeting of the executive council. Stapleton also suggested he could protect her job if she had a sexual relationship with him, according to the people.

2. Staffers Demeaned and Called Derogatory Names

The AFL-CIO, a federation of 56 unions that together represent 12.5 million workers, in May settled a grievance brought by its own employees’ union, which accused the group of creating a hostile work environment for employees working on the 2016 election in Pennsylvania. Supervisors there allegedly referred to female staffers as “bitches” and other epithets, according to current and former staff.

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