Big Mike: ‘Barack’s Presidential Library Could Have Been Anywhere in the World’ – IOTW Report

Big Mike: ‘Barack’s Presidential Library Could Have Been Anywhere in the World’

PJM: Former First Lady Michelle Obama said former President Barack Obama’s presidential library “could have been anywhere in the world” but they chose Jackson Park in Chicago because of its connection to their lives.

Is she wearing an off the shoulder dive suit?

“Just like Barack and I don’t do things incidentally, I mean, there’s a strategy. Barack’s presidential library could have been anywhere in the world because there’s so many people who feel like he is their president — all over the world, all right? So, New York wanted it. Hawaii wants it, because it’s also an economic engine. It will be a visited presidential library because it’s going to be alive. It’s a first,” Obama said at the Obama Foundation Summit this week. read more

45 Comments on Big Mike: ‘Barack’s Presidential Library Could Have Been Anywhere in the World’

  1. At about 55 seconds she says ” the hospital where he was born, the university of Chicago”….did I hear that correctly?….maybe they have his birth certificate….

  2. I recall when Obama was running for his second term against Romney he had lost his star power and most of his rally’s were attended by African Americans. So it is fitting he puts it in a place where someone would visit it. How are those Netflix specials doing anyway, we won’t know, they don’t publish viewership.

  3. What is Chicago going to charge for the property tackshis?

    That’s “taxes” for those that don’t speak Mike.

    Figure if they took the same land and actchully put houshes there the city would rake in a boatload.

    Schumhow I don’t think it will be tacksht as high if at all. It’s easier to make those dealsh in Chicago than in NY or Hawaii.

  4. It looks like a mausoleum more than a library. No windows, big tower, no books or papers (all shredded), useless. I guess it is apropos of obamination’s debacle term as faux president.

  5. Barack a Novo
    NOVEMBER 2, 2019 AT 6:15 PM
    “If you wanna be happy
    For the rest of your life,
    Never make a pretty woman your wife,”

    THAT is neither “pretty”, NOR “woman”…

  6. Just when the world — at least our part of it — is grateful that those people are a dim memory, here they come again with a media road show to self promote. Do we never get any rest from those narcissistic jerks?

  7. Barry and Sasquatch can’t even try to hide their Deep State connections.
    Since when is the President of the United States of America the “president” of the world. That’s traitous and qualifies for impeachment, doesn’t it?
    These two should have been put in prison a long time ago.
    As for that “library” dedicated to Barry’s “shtruggle” to destroy America, it’s a blight on this nation.

  8. Beto it goes the way of newseum in less than a decade. Racist white and black people can barely scratch together two dimes.

    Further, I love the fact that just about every article I see. Somewhere in the comments, someone calls him Big Mike!

  9. The elites are systematically destroying and weakening the US by encouraging theft, drug use, immorality, and safe spaces.

    Pooping on the sidewalk is legal now, but using straws has been banned.

    The ruling powers glorify blacks, females, and illegal immigrants. Anyone who is smart, hardworking, beautiful, responsible, moral, or honest is called racist and bad.

    Americans are told to hate freedom, balanced budgets, and peace.

    Homosexuality and child sex are praised.

    Illegal immigrants can get welfare, vote, and driver licenses, but don’t need business licenses.

    The US is a prison and Americans are like children dependent on welfare. Americans are slaves who are told what to think, what to do, what to wear, what to eat, and what to believe.

    Who wants to live in a police state?

  10. The Obama Foundation? It’s got that Clinton ring to it.

    “Barack and I wouldn’t bring some crap up in our neighborhood.” How about you try and put crap like that in your neighborhood, that is Martha’s Vineyard? I’d pay money to watch the CC meeting when you tried.


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