Bilderberg Directs Its Collective Mind Towards AI and Ukraine – IOTW Report

Bilderberg Directs Its Collective Mind Towards AI and Ukraine

Fox Business

Some of the biggest names in artificial intelligence (AI) will participate in this year’s edition of the secretive Bilderberg Meeting, which routinely attracts business and political elites from around the world.

The annual Bilderberg Meeting begins Thursday and will conclude Sunday in Lisbon, Portugal. Roughly 130 participants from 23 countries are expected to be in attendance and participate in the private event.

Several executives from tech companies involved in the AI arms race will be in attendance, according to Bilderberg, including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Google DeepMind chief Demis Hassabis and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. More

The Guardian took the Ukraine war angle in their reporting (and yes I have to link to “The Guardian” because there’s always a near media blackout on the Bliderbergers). Here

h/t Mark Dice who has been a thorn in Sean Hannity’s side for years on Bilderberg. Watch

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