Bill Barr Says No Evidence Of Massive Voter Fraud, Rudy Disagrees – IOTW Report

Bill Barr Says No Evidence Of Massive Voter Fraud, Rudy Disagrees

Business Insider

Attorney General Bill Barr on Tuesday said that neither the Department of Justice nor the Federal Bureau of Investigation have uncovered widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, marking a major break with President Donald Trump. 

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the Associated Press, saying that while federal law enforcement officials have investigated the claims of fraud they’ve received, they’ve found nothing on a level that could change the election results.  More

Response statement from the Trump re-election campaign legal team. Here

65 Comments on Bill Barr Says No Evidence Of Massive Voter Fraud, Rudy Disagrees

  1. “@ LegalInsurrection
    Barr’s statement appears limited to criminal prosecution: “He said people were confusing the use of the federal criminal justice system with allegations that should be made in civil lawsuits.”

    It’s a FEDERAL election, you big bellied son of a bitch. An election which several states used one type of voting machine and the people had the same type of complaints about them. And the complaints about equal protection are good enough to go to SCOTUS, why isn’t the DOJ interested?

  2. I don’t believe the word “widespread” is used in the laws prohibiting election fraud. Or any crime for that matter. So I can commit a federal crime and my defense can be – because it is not widespread I should have not been investigated?

  3. AG Barr is a fooking idiot…
    He does not even posses a comprehensive grasp of the obvious,
    He is a leader of mental migets,
    Let him suck the public tit elsewhere, a truly disastrous placement.
    Flush him down the appropriate receptacle,
    He has the intellectual capacity of large granite rock.

  4. His involvement in Ruby Ridge should have tipped Trump off to what he was getting with this swamp rat. Not that anyone with any integrity would have stood a chance of making it past the Republican establishment (that is in on this coup) and been confirmed.

  5. Since it was the AP there was no actual intellectual curiosity or desire to ask how about any of the issues covered in the PA, AZ, and MI hearings. Is he suggesting that each instance alone isn’t enough to over turn the election? Combined they certainly are. He left open the cyber issue for evidence. That has always seemed the most logical and efficient way to prove the election was stolen. I have no confidence in the courts or legislatures or this DOJ and forget about the FBI. This just conveniently gave the MSM the byte they need for the rest of the week to dismiss anything being covered in the hearings or press conferences. Thanks Bill.

  6. Who are you going to believe? Literally hundreds of eye witnesses who have come forward, and testified or signed sworn statements, under penalty of perjury, of some bureaucrat who hasn’t interviewed a single witness.

  7. No surprise there as most of the pukes in the FBI and Justice Department can’t find their way home without leaving a trail of bread crumbs. A few more squirrels and most of them would starve or freeze to death trying to get home!

  8. Brad: “Twitters saying Barr just got summoned to the White House. Fire his fat ass.”

    And replace him with Tom Fitton. He’s been doing the AG job for over four years now.

  9. Barr hisself warned Wolf Spritzer that sending out untold ballots was “playing with fire.” And he was spot on. Now he looks the other way? History will chew is ass up now. Doesn’t make any sense. Unless he just doesn’t give a shit. You’d think he’d want to stick it harder than hell to the democrats after they treated him like poopy poop poo at those hearings. WTF.

  10. When the shooting ultimately begins, I fully expect to run out of ammo before I run out of traitors begging to be … dispatched.

    By maintaining his big fat ass as an obstacle to justice, Bill Barr has the blood of many patriots to come ON HIS HANDS. I hope he will be proud of himself when his time comes for true Judgement.
    Almost all lawyers are worse than venereal diseases.

  11. Before Barr is fired, I’d want Federal Marshals backed up by Army Special Forces people all over the DOJ facilities, inside and out. No one touches anything without permission, including computers.

  12. Not widespread. Highly targeted in a small number of jurisdictions. Anyway, how does Barr know whether voter and counting fraud were or were not sufficient to change the outcome? Did he review all the votes and ballots and recount them?

  13. Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee. Pretty small geographically, not widespread but enough to steal an election.

    Just to be sure things worked out right, the Dimns seem to have added Arizona, Nevada, and Virginia to sure bets like California and Illinois. The only thing more wide spread than election fraud may be the empty space between Barr’s ears.

  14. JDHasty, I didn’t know that Barr had any involvement in Ruby Ridge but somehow or another that figures. I used to drive by Naples, Id. on Hwy. 95 on my way North to Bonners Ferry, Id. and Libby, Mt. so I am very familiar with where Ruby Ridge is. President Trump needs to fire this jerk ASAP. I also believe that a lot of comfortable libtard cages are being rattled as they are getting closer to the the truth about all the election fraud on Nov. 3. And they’re getting scared like cornering a rat about ready to kill it.

  15. Fat assed useless POS, just like the rest of the career government cancers in DC. Couldn’t find a thief unless he was watching him steal the doughnut ogg his plate, then he might do something.

  16. @Jimmy: “Before Barr is fired, I’d want Federal Marshals backed up by Army Special Forces people all over the DOJ facilities, inside and out. No one touches anything without permission, including computers.”

    We do not have nearly enough of either organization to accomplish that. DOJ is huge, like most fed agencies.

  17. Interpretation—-Fuck That Fat Fuck.

    It is beyond sad that we can NOT trust republicans.
    Let’s cull the heard and move on without them.

    This country is still worth saving and there is PLENTY of room to incarcerate the commies.

    It’s damn near impossible to believe Soros has that much money—-contraire…..It’s damn near impossible to believe that many Americans can be so easily bought.

  18. “Sergeant Schultz” Barr living up to the fat weasel motto – he sees nothing…nothing. Especially, if being a coward helps the Deep State.

    No need for President Trump to continue associating with this bloated swamp dweller. Barr should be fired immediately.

  19. So when hundreds of thousands of votes just appear and disappear this fat fuck doesn’t think this is enough to effect the election.People should be protesting at the White House now demanding Trump fire all these swamp rats RFN.


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