Bill Cosby, Roman Polanski expelled from Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences – IOTW Report

Bill Cosby, Roman Polanski expelled from Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Well, that’ll teach ’em.

FOX: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Board of Governors voted to expel actor Bill Cosby and director Roman Polanski, the organization announced Thursday. Both Cosby and Polanski have been convicted of sex crimes.

In a statement to multiple outlets, the Academy says that both men violated the organization’s standards of conduct.

“The board continues to encourage ethical standards that require members to uphold the Academy’s values of respect for human dignity,” the statement said.

The news comes less than a week after a jury in Philadelphia reached a verdict in Cosby’s retrial case for sexual assault. Cosby was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand during a 2004 incident at his suburban home. The guilty verdict, handed down for felony aggravated indecent assault, could see the 80-year-old comedian live out the rest of his days behind bars. read more

11 Comments on Bill Cosby, Roman Polanski expelled from Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

  1. I wonder if Meryl Streep will be jumping to her feet and applauding for Roman Polanski when she gets this news? Will she remember calling Harvey Weinstein a god? After all, she’s a great actress and she can fake forgetfulness better than most people.

  2. What a fukkin joke.
    Polanski was convicted – what? – 40 years ago?
    Cosby was doing the dirty 40 years ago.

    NOW they take out the wash? What about the “Velvet Mafia” and all the homosexual child-rapists still in their midsts? Gonna do anything about them? Or wait 40 years until the “law” catches up with them?

    Yeah, they all squeaky-clean now!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Doesn’t seem too fair considering that the entire industry is run on sex crimes… and the people ousting them are most likely guilty of the same or worse.

  4. This just in: after expelling all members accused of sex crimes, sexual harassment and sexual indiscretions, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has discovered it has no members. The Oscar telecast will still go forward next year, but it will only consist of Meryl Streep giving a three hour standing ovation honoring the maintenance crew at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Pope Francis will host, and it is anticipated that next year’s television ratings will be the best ever.

  5. Our local paper, The News Buffoon, has covered up for each and every politician or connected individual involved in corruption, particularly when it comes to sexual predation, in the last three decades, but once the cat is out of the bag and they have nothing to gain from remaining loyal to the bastards that have been destroying the community they then start with the hypocrisy and falderall that would make Obama blush.

    The sonsabitches had to have known EXACTLY what Jeff Smith, The Frugal Gourmet, was up to the entire time he was in Tacoma. If they didn’t know it was because they took positive steps not to know what he was up to.

    It was common knowledge that he hosted his teenage boytoys at Chaplain’s Pantry and paid them to let him have his way with them. I wi

    Every paper and news outlet in Washington had knowledge that Freeattle and Protestland Mayors were pederasts when they endorsed their candidacy.

    Utopian statists are unmitigated human filth.

  6. Now that President Trump is such a good friend with the President of France maybe he can get him back here for punishment. Maybe cell mates with Cosby.


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