Bill Nye: Blue States Will ‘Impose Economic Sanctions’ Against Climate Change-Denying States – IOTW Report

Bill Nye: Blue States Will ‘Impose Economic Sanctions’ Against Climate Change-Denying States

Breitbart: Friday on MSNBC, climate activist Bill Nye warned conservatives to “watch out,” saying progressive blue states will “address climate change” on their own.

Nye said, “Only 40 percent of people in the U.S. think that Congress should be addressing this and that’s because certain conservative groups, especially from the fossil fuel industry, have been very successful in introducing the idea that scientific uncertainty, plus or minus two percent, is the same as plus or minus 100 percent.”

He continued, “There’s a lot of emphasis from conservatives on what are writ-large states rights. Just watch out, conservatives, if states rights include California, Illinois, New York — these places that, where people voted in a progressive fashion — watch out if all those places start to address climate change and then impose economic sanctions, either overtly or by default, on places that have not embraced the work that needs to be done. Then you’ll end up with this states rights working the other way.”  read more

41 Comments on Bill Nye: Blue States Will ‘Impose Economic Sanctions’ Against Climate Change-Denying States

  1. So, blue states should adopt self-imposed climate change measures a.k.a. economic sanctions, then further hurt themselves with economic sanctions. Brilliant! This guy is California Governor material.

  2. US Constitution
    Article 1
    Section 8

    “To regulate Commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;”

    Suck another one, Bill. Go back to comedy – that’s what you are – a Klown.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s “science” based on computer models and computer simulations.

    If computer models and simulations are science, why can’t I flip a Warthog with the butt of a rifle?

  4. I say let them go ahead. And when the ‘normals’ start fleeing the blue states for the red states in droves and the tax income of the blue states drops to zero (more like into the negatives because the takers aren’t going to leave) we can see how the Federal experiment with each state acting as a laboratory really works!

  5. I have often dreamed of such a situation as Nye proposes: wherein red-neck truckers erect a blockade around blue-neck cities like Portland or Seattle. And red-neck farmers and ranchers refuse to sell products to them. And red-neck frackers and oil-workers follow suit. And THEN we can rejoice as the “progressive” left withers away in their feudal enclaves. BRING IT, Mr. Nye!

  6. He’s an idiot. Blue states are losing their economic clout by the day as people and businesses flee their lefist, high tax, socialist nonsense. Even if his idea was constitutional, it wouldn’t affect much at all, except for making life even more miserable for blue state dwellers.

  7. Bill Nye the hypocrit guy, had to bring up the deficit under Reagan in that clip. No mention of the huge deficit and anemic growth under their beloved Obama. Also, are these self righteous Blue Nye States going to halt trade with polluters like China, Mexico, India, etal, or do interntional emitters get a pass because they didn’t vote for Trump?

  8. My only question for Billy, if we’re all in this together, like he wants us, how exactly does that increase our odds of controlling the number one temperature factor, known as the sun? Bill, you WANT man made climate change by controlling the sun. I want nature to run the show, and realistically speaking, it’s in the best interest of everyone.

  9. Liberals like unions so much, they certainly seem determined to destroy the one that holds this country together.

    How about we hold them to their own standards and deny the use of red state air space to fly their carbon belching planes over, ban the export of oil to blue states, end all federal aid for law enforcement and schools for any that have sanctuary cities.

    Better yet, let’s just cut to thr chase and start killing each other. That is where this is headed. Nye is just too much of a bow tie wearing faggot to say what he really wants to say or to do what he really wants our military and police to do for him.

    Eco-Nazi is still a nazi.

  10. When bill nye stops using fossil fuels, perhaps i might listen to a few seconds of his blathering nonsense. This is todays scientist? Wow science sure has slipped downward a few notches

  11. Bill Nye came to a local college a few months back. The local talk radio station was falling all over themselves promoting the visit, and praising this nutjob. I kept thinking, Why?

    Not a good move in a state where coal, and gas are major industries.

    Sure I don’t like a lot of the environmental damage caused. But otho, I like the compromise of being able to flip a switch and have light in my home after dark, turn on my electronic gadgets with the push of a button, and the ability to run the temperature setting up or down on my thermostat so I am comfortable whether it’s hot or cold outside.

    The AGW/CC crowd should back up their stand by sitting in the dark, cold or heat. I’m pretty sure Bill didn’t walk to the local college, I’m pretty sure he flew in, then addressed the attendees in a lit and cooled room.

  12. out if all those places start to address climate change and then impose economic sanctions, either overtly or by default, on places that have not embraced the work that needs to be done.

    Oh, this ought to be fun. Better than one of those mega domino chain-reaction videos.

  13. Maybe Billy Boy can move in with Algore in one of Al’s 4 palatial mansions with the 12 HVAC’s on the roof.
    There, they can plot their takeover of the evil climate deniers a la Batman and Robin.
    Bill could wear a mask and his douchecycle could run a water-fueled engine.
    Al would just sit in his own stench and bloviate.
    This script writes itself.

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