Billboard Message To Democrat Kim Davis Says Christians Cherry Pick Scripture To Discriminate Against Gays – IOTW Report

Billboard Message To Democrat Kim Davis Says Christians Cherry Pick Scripture To Discriminate Against Gays



32 Comments on Billboard Message To Democrat Kim Davis Says Christians Cherry Pick Scripture To Discriminate Against Gays

  1. Wow… “narrowly define”?

    In my Bible it calls homosexuality an abomination and clearly states that a man or a woman “shall not lie down” with same. Maybe “Planting Peace” has one of those heavily-edited, squishy Bibles.

  2. I’m not relying on the Bible, or Kim Davis, when I say that gay marriage is an inferior relationship, one that cannot naturally produce a family born out of the love between a man and a woman.

    Sorry. It’s SCIENCE.



    And that must really hurt.

  3. Oh, come on. People arrange marriages all the time for gain. Maybe not in terms of livestock, but in terms of two powerful families having children marry to inherit a bigger fortune. So, what’s this “can’t?” Of course you can. Who says a farmer can’t say to another farmer, “Your son can marry my daughter if you give me that back 40 you never use?” It isn’t illegal to do that. This is the silliest most specious argument ever.

  4. They, the homosexuals, cannot be satisfied.
    These people (seem to be) utterly miserable internally and try to spin the table of hetero-tradition in such a way that attempts to justify their behavior as “normal”.
    Though their ONLY hope to become straight is their relationship to God, other than that they’ll never “get it.”
    Kudos to Kim Davis, and just as scripture also points out that the faithful will receive persecution.

  5. And another thing! Let’s say it was made illegal to offer a dowry for marriage. The definition of marriage remains unchanged by doing that. Completely unchanged. So, it doesn’t “redefine marriage” to not permit dowries. Not one bit.

  6. It’s not about gay marriage. It’s about destroying traditional ways of living. These guys hate christian values and they want to tear it all down and build a world where there is no guilt, shame, right or wrong, just people doing whatever they want all the time.

  7. Have any of these precious snowflakes ever stopped to realize that they are the result of the uniting of the male sperm and female egg? Not one person is walking the earth as a result of anal intercourse or dildos.

  8. That last sentence in that letter is a real dozy, blaming everyone else for their miserable, depressing lives of engaging in abnormal behavior and there are suicides in the gay community.

    Notice, they aren’t claiming those that oppose the promotion of their behavior are actually killing gays directly. No, now we’re doing harm to gay people because by not proclaim to all the world that it’s the “same love,” they suffer so much mental damage.

    They know in their hearts they’re engaging in behavior outside the norm, but they don’t take responsibility for the emotional toll it takes on their own psyche. Nope it’s everybody else’s faulty that the feel like outcast and find their own existences intolerable.

    Tell you what gay people, don’t engage in homosexual behavior if you can’t accept the fact society as a whole doesn’t share your enthusiasm for sex with some of the same gender. Then you won’t feel so badly about yourself.

  9. The phrase planting peace is another damned euphemism that doesn’t mean what it says. it only means planting peace if you agree with their definition of peace. Otherwise if you disagree with their definition of peace you are the one they declare war on. Some peace, I’ll take the real peace of God rather than let these yahoos redefine it and make it sound like they’re really about peace when all they’re doing is fooling lofos into thinking they’re about peace. I for one won’t be fooled by these deceivers. Words mean things and just because you’re talking about peace doesn’t really mean what is says when these progtards have a political ax to grind. In the words of George Orwell in his novel 1984, “War is peace, peace is war.”

  10. “The fact that you can’t sell your daughter fkr three goats and a cow means that we’ve already redefined marriage.”

    No, idiots, it means we’ve already outlawed chattel slavery, the definition of which has not changed one iota for thousands of years. Now draw another card.

  11. Only the anally born gays should have the right to marry another anally born queer. They should have to first prove that they actually came from some faggot’s asshole and not from the normal heterosexual birth method.

    And they should have to move to San Francisco if they don’t already infest that city.

    Go gays! Go now!

  12. Soooo. . . Planting “a Piece” (not gonna say where). You don’t like that Kim Davis doesn’t want to issue marriage licenses to faggots?
    Well, then, take the time to properly organize yourself, get recognized by the state, AND ISSUE YOUR OWN DAMNED “MARRIAGE” LICENSES! DITTO FOR THE SCOUTS, AND CHURCHES.
    And leave the rest of us alone. Keep pushing, the powder is laid, the match is lit, just waiting to be jostled and fall. . . .

  13. Yeah, we’ve redefined marriage and sex in the West so that it is no longer about the continuation of the human race. Well be seeing the effects of that enlightened policy pretty soon, as the Finances of the West collapse under the strain of too few productive people supporting too many physically infirm people.

    Which is why I’m so relieved to know that our elites are going to allow millions more unproductive dependents into our country. Which is why I’m so glad to know our public education system is churning out millions of kids with no skills whatsoever except for calling anyone who disagrees with them, “h8ters”

  14. Which will “work” only until some other force – WITH a moral compass (be it good or muslim) – invades and eradicates the weak (READ: the entire degenerate Left coalition).

  15. I hear ya Fur, however, if you remove God and the Bible from the equation, then morals are based on whatever you or another person decide is moral. There are no absolutes. Morals, ethics and values change with society shifting perspectives. This is why we are where we are…….

  16. Mosaic Law was common sense solutions to problems common to that era. Homosexuals are mentally ill. Homosexuals cannot marry by virtue of the definition of marriage. They cannot procreate. They can only lust and pervert – spreading their lies and filth and diseases and generally accelerating the decay of whatever society they infest.

    And who “discriminates” against them? The only people hanging fags are the ragheads, and they practice faggism when allah ain’t looking. The fact that they cannot marry is simply a fact – not a judgment. No one has a “right” to marry. NO ONE!

    The simple fact is that if everyone on Earth chose to be a faggot, humanity would cease to exist in one generation. It is an abomination – a disease more virulent than plague.

  17. I guess the folks at Planting Peace don’t realize that even back when people were making deals over who their daughters would wed, their daughters were still being married off to men. Hence, marriage was NOT already redefined, but arranging the marriage was redefined.

  18. The only purpose behind that sign seems to be grooming confused and troubled kids into the LGBT lifestyle. Nothing in their statement counters Ms Davis’ personal beliefs, or makes any sense at all.

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