Black Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

Black Trump Supporters

I’ve been told that Trump supporters are extremely stupid. That’s the universal message- uninformed, mouth-breathing, redneck, violent stupid morons- and that’s just the white people.

Wouldn’t it stand to reason that black Trump supporters would be the worst blacks have to offer, just as the white Trump supporters are the worst of the whites?


ht/ LIR

17 Comments on Black Trump Supporters

  1. But…but…but…I’ve been assured for years and years that black people simply cannot be racist – only we honkies can be racist!

    I guess being a Trump supporter makes anybody an honorary redneck. Who knew?

  2. The blacks, as a group, have been ass-raped the worst by Obama’s immigration policies. Sadly, most of them seem to be oblivious to this.

    Hillary wants to make things even worse for them. It’s bizarre that they generally seem to support her.

  3. Early in the video one guy said he did not want welfare, he wanted to be free. He wanted to work. Once any individual shakes free from being enslaved and trapped by welfare and liberalism they will not go back.

  4. Liked this film.
    It is so refreshing to see black Americans speak English, so eloquently and effectively, in patriotic love for OUR country.

    Send Mr Soetoro, his cross-dressing beard and fake children to OBLIVION by turning this country around. It’s overdue.

  5. *I* was impressed with the man who referenced Edward Bernays’ 1928 book, Propaganda. It’s a damn classic, by “the father of public relations” ….smile…. He understood how he was being used, manipulated. Whew! Who reads Bernays these days?

    There are some very smart folk, even young kids, in this video. It gave me hope for a united America — one beyond BLM and the Panthers. …Lady in Red

  6. I meet a lot of people in my line of work who do not share the views expressed in that video. I hope and pray that there are more people, like those in the video, than there are of the others. May God bless the U.S……….

  7. Black Trump Supporters deserve to be shipped to Nigeria. It ain’t nice to keep Bokoharam sharpening their machetes forever. The Honiggas earned it so be it.
    I’ve been told that Trump supporters are extremely stupid. That’s the universal message- uninformed, mouth-breathing, redneck, violent stupid morons.
    Wouldn’t it stand to reason that Black Trump supporters would be the worst blacks have to offer, just as the white Trump supporters are the worst of the whites?

  8. Odaid you are aware that Clinton’s mentor was a 3k leader and spoke to diminish MLKs role in the civil right movement. She supported the Betterment Project and Marget Sanger. She was a member of a white only country club. The house SHE bought in NY was in the whitest area of NY. She helped sell Franken Food to 3rd world countries AFTER congress declared in cancerous and banned it in the US. She takes donations from nations that STILL HAVE slave labor. She has take over 10k in donations from the 3k this year alone who are regular donators for her. IMO any black man that votes for Clinton should be ashamed of himself. Your listening to the white media on who is racist instead of looking at history and making an informed choice. Just like all those black people who voted for this racist woman over Bernie who not only matched with MLK and help the civil rights movement. Her last 8 years of working with Obama doesnt negate DECADES of pushing oppressive legislation.

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