Blast From the Past – IOTW Report

Blast From the Past

You guys will get a kick out of this one. This is from 2010. It was a contest we ran that was picked up by American Thinker.

Top 100 Films of the Obama Era.

FeaturingĀ Diann(y), Conservative Cowgirl, Illustr8or, Kono, Betula, Call me Lennie, Had Enuf Mike, Da Penguin, Brian, Carbon Pootprint, Bigun, Reiuxcat, Wyatt AARP, Uncle Hink, Cakes, Rebecca, Tim, Mt Top Patriot, CFM990, Doc, Horrorman 18, MissinMich, Chalupa, Bike Dude, Alo Konsen, and Lori Ziganto.


39 Comments on Blast From the Past

  1. It was picked up by American Thinker because I compiled the top 100 vote getting submissions into an e-Mail and submitted it to Thomas Lifson. We agreed to go by your name because you were already a known entity at A-T

    He E-mailed me back and said he thought the whole idea worked really well

    Don’t forget the role I played in that, BFH

  2. Dangit, I think I was still wasting my time at RedState in 2010. Missed some funny, funny stuff here. Any other RedState refugees here? Any Bfreds? (Banned From RedState). I wasn’t a Bfred, but I dodged Moe Lane’s blamstick a few times. After 2012, that place got sour and bitchy. No fun at all. Glad I found where the humor was. I salute every entry on the list. Well done, all.

  3. …and I was sneaking around Gateway Pundit in one of my 47,000 alts in 2010, @Thirdtwin. You wanna talk about someone quick to wield the ban hammer, try Jim Hoft on for size, that’s part of why my handle is what it is…I liked the other posters, but after he got DOS attacks and liberals started posting pervy pictures, he got SUPER paranoid, and so here am I…

  4. @Chalupa

    I’d probably win that game, as I would have a head start on about 15 to 20 of those titles. I confess I demonstrated a little bias to one of the commentators ;-D

  5. Some of BFHā€™s best stuff was on the old site. Iā€™ve spent some time looking, no luck. Not that things arenā€™t good now, but I got hooked on the old days. There was some awesome good stuff!

  6. I remember being an occasional, silent visitor then (when I wasn’t at sea or otherwise traveling) but don’t remember the contest.

    BTW, I think this blog format is great.

  7. I never win a prise … … y’s that?
    i do good, and shit ………. but i never gets a prise.

    I shud win two —— i think is prejaundice that i n’ver get nuthing.
    I wanna win to.

  8. …I know this thread’s dead and no one is ever going to see this, but I had to slide one more in…

    Solo: A Joe Biden Sex Story.

    …Thank you and good night!


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