Blood Money: How Qatar Bought Off The Entire D.C. Establishment – IOTW Report

Blood Money: How Qatar Bought Off The Entire D.C. Establishment

Patriot Retort: Did you wonder why the American news media went balls-to-the-wall over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi?

Last year, Khashoggi, a Saudi author who penned opinion columns in the Washington Post favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood, visited the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and was never seen again.

It turns out that Jamal Khashoggi was a Qatari asset.

Yet the media deified Khashoggi — painting him as a noble journalist and defender of free speech whose murder by the Saudis was somehow the fault of President Donald J. Trump.

From David Reaboi at Security Studies Group:

No outlet did more in the service of cementing that symbolism than the Washington Post and its news and editorial staff. Since October, that outlet has functioned unofficially as the most relentless and influential anti-Saudi lobbying shop in the nation’s capital. Indeed, the successful campaign of hagiography spearheaded by The Post prompted Time Magazine to name Khashoggi and other members of the media “Person of the Year.”

Of course, in order to do this, the media largely ignored salient facts about him that emerged almost immediately: his long history as an apologist and propagandist for the Muslim Brotherhood; his youthful collaboration with Osama Bin Laden and al Qaeda in Afghanistan; his antipathy toward both Israel and Shia Muslims; as well as rumors about his questionable and financial links to Qatari intelligence.

Now, shockingly, the Washington Post itself has largely revealed those rumors to be true. We now know that Jamal Khashoggi was never a journalist—at least, not in the usual sense of the word; he was a highly-partisan operative who worked with a handler to publish propaganda at the behest of the Emirate of Qatar. He was, in other words, an agent of influence.

Would it surprise you to learn that Qatar’s influence over the American news media and the DC Establishment goes far beyond the Washington Post hiring Jamal Khashoggi?

Qatar has been paying top dollar to influence American politics and media in ways that would make Rachel Maddow apoplectic if Qatar was spelled R-U-S-S-I-A.

Never Trump “luminaries” also benefit from Qatar.  Not surprising since the Trump Administration considers Saudi Arabia an ally.  So it shouldn’t surprise you to discover that Qatar has hosted noted media Never Trumpers Rick Wilson and Michael Steele.

And not just them:

4 Comments on Blood Money: How Qatar Bought Off The Entire D.C. Establishment

  1. I need one of those big wall maps and a few skeins of yarn to help me connect all the dots of corruption. Politicians and the media conspiring to destroy our country.

  2. The US media has dual loyalty to the Democrat party and any foreign hack who hates America. Fortunately for them, this requires little compromise in their values.


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