Bombshell: Over 1,000 Illegal Voters in Eight Virginia Localities – IOTW Report

Bombshell: Over 1,000 Illegal Voters in Eight Virginia Localities

New report finds evidence of widespread voter fraud in the crucial swing state


More than 1,000 aliens, or residents who are not U.S. citizens, have been free to vote illegally in Virginia.

The bombshell disclosure was made in a report released by the Virginia Voters Alliance based on findings from the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

“The problem is most certainly exponentially worse because we have no data regarding aliens on the registration rolls for the other 125 Virginia localities.”

The 1,046 Virginia voters may just be the tip of the iceberg, as it’s only the number found in eight Virginia localities, the report reads. The report found that the most illegal votes were cast in 2012, followed by 2008, the year President Obama was elected to his first term. In both years, Obama won Virginia.

It’s a felony for non-citizens to vote in Virginia. But in Virginia, no proof of citizenship is required when voters register.

In some cases, aliens and permanent residents will register to vote and either admit on the form they are not citizens, or they will mislead, according to Christian Adams, general counsel for the foundation.


ht/ all too much

13 Comments on Bombshell: Over 1,000 Illegal Voters in Eight Virginia Localities

  1. NULIFY the vote from Virginia. (An any additional states that are guilty of malfeasance.)

    INCARCERATE all voter registration officials who allowed (enabled) this FELONY.

    Or, should we expect that a follow-up referendum vote will be held substituting ammo for ballots?

  2. Obola’s “re-election” was proof of voter fraud.
    The RINOs don’t contest it because they’re getting rich off it.
    Our political class is thoroughly corrupt – top to bottom – left to right.
    The Armed Forces (upper echelons) aren’t much better – or they’re just a pack of cowards.
    The Judiciary is rotten throughout – our law schools are producing thousands and thousands of maggots who have absolutely NO sense of justice, are greedy beyond the normal greed of men, and are well-versed liars and dissimulators. Judges are appointed on the basis of how well they advanced the socialist/globaloney “cause” while practicing at the bar.
    And we sit with our thumbs up our asses because there’s a game on TV, or a talking monkey on the interwebz, and can’t be troubled by esoteric and “philosophical” maunderings.

    izlamo delenda est …

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