Book Claims Bill Clinton Put Secret Service Officer’s Hand on Hillary’s Rear – IOTW Report

Book Claims Bill Clinton Put Secret Service Officer’s Hand on Hillary’s Rear

Breitbart: In the wake of new allegations of sexual assault against former President Bill Clinton, an overlooked passage from a bombshell 2016 book is now in the spotlight — in which it is claimed Clinton put the hand of a Secret Service agent’s hand on Hillary’s rear.

Crisis of Character, by former presidential secret service officer Gary Byrne, documents a series of sensational events in the Clinton White House, including fights between the first couple and alleged previously unreported flings by Bill.

On Monday, author and journalist Ed Klein claimed that there are four women prepared to go public with allegations of sexual assault against the former president over conduct he allegedly engaged in since leaving office.

With Clinton’s deeds in the spotlight, a passage in the 2016 bombshell book — in which Bill is accused of putting Byrne’s hand on Hillary’s rear — now appears relevant.


Byrne recounts the story in the book as follows:

At a White House event for agents and their wives, the Clintons invited UD officers who worked closely in the West Wing, and I was honored to be included. The agents weren’t too thrilled, which made it that much sweeter. It was a big deal to Genny.

As usual, the First Couple posed for a seemingly endless amount of pictures. At receptions, they never got a chance to eat so much as an hors-d’oeuvre. Standing the entire time in the horribly overheated room and struggling to stay awake, the president would play little pranks on guests he felt comfortable with. I almost felt guilty about getting a picture with him, but Genny insisted.

The four of us—myself, the First Couple, and my wife—posed for a photo. I put my hand behind Mrs. Clinton, and immediately my hand was grabbed by a soft hand that placed it on Mrs. Clinton’s rear. I was mortified and just froze. Snap. The picture was taken, and we thanked the president profusely but were whisked away so the next couple could get their photo. I leaned over to Genny.

“Uh, I think the president just put my hand on the First Lady’s [bum].”

“You think that was funny, the president kept, like, rubbing my back!”  MORE

16 Comments on Book Claims Bill Clinton Put Secret Service Officer’s Hand on Hillary’s Rear

  1. I recommend reading this book, especially the parts on how Hillary treated WH staff and her secret service detail.

    She would have been an awful president just on how she views those who work for her with distain.

  2. @Half-Assed: Yeah, I’m sure they hung porno decorations on a public tree for hundreds of White House guests and visitors to see and comment on. Here’s direct quotes from the article linked to by you, above:


    “…Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady’s Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as “pornographic”; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such ‘decorations’ to adorn her Christmas Tree.”

    “Black Magick”, indeed. What a load.

    I’ll bet you believe every wacko conspiracy theory article you read, don’t you?


  3. @Moe Tom: My point is that I am fed up to the teeth with a bunch of whack jobs pushing their flat-earth, Illuminati-fearing, Freemason controlling, chemtrail sniffing, space alien-believing, 9/11 hoaxing, Holocaust-denying conspiracy theories off onto weak-minded, gullible people as the Gospel truth.

    I’ve been hearing stuff like this all my life, and I could make up better sh*t than most of what I have seen.

    I mean, c’mon – we all know Hillary’s a figurative witch, but a real one?

    To quote Daffy Duck, “It is to laugh.”

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