Border Wall Construction to Begin in Texas – IOTW Report

Border Wall Construction to Begin in Texas


Federal officials announced the award of a contract to allow construction of new sections of border walls in the Rio Grande Valley Sector of South Texas. The $145 million construction project is slated to begin in February 2019.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced the award of a contract to build approximately six miles of border walls along the levee system in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, according to information provided to Breitbart News by U.S. Border Patrol officials. The contract, awarded on October 31 to Slsco Ltd, provides $145 million for the project which will begin in February 2019, officials stated.

The project calls for the construction and installation of “tactical infrastructure” to include 18 feet tall steel bollard walls which will be placed on top of reinforced sections of concrete levee walls. Contractors will also create a new “enforcement zone” by removing 150 feet of vegetation along the new wall system.  read more here

12 Comments on Border Wall Construction to Begin in Texas

  1. Let’s meet these lefty morons half way and use solar and wind power to electrify it too! I’m sure that will please them since they are always looking for compromise.

  2. I’m wondering why no one has started a Go Fund Me site for the wall. Or does the outfit that runs Go Fund Me block such efforts by Americans who want to defend their country that way? Is there an alternative way for us to try to independently raise funds for the wall since the goddamned Congress has neither the balls nor the patriotism to do it? I know Mrs. Enraged and I would contribute to such an effort. And, YES, I know that the goddamned feds SHOULD be building it with our taxes but it seems clear to me that the swamp will do everything it can to keep us waiting far too long for positive and appropriate action.

    My apologies if this topic has been addressed already on anther thread.

  3. 6 miles? … starting in Feb. 2019??? … does anyone know how notoriously slow gubmint contractors are? c/o’s & over-runs are sop … (can I be a consultant?)

    at this rate, by the end of Trump’s second term, we’ll have …. what? …. 15 miles?

    … be still my foolish heart!


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