Box Cutter Turtles – IOTW Report

Box Cutter Turtles

20 Comments on Box Cutter Turtles

  1. We used to paint mark them and release them to see where they’d turn up next – kind of vetting them I guess.

    Today we’d just as well throw them back over the fence to our neighbor’s yard!

  2. If there were 3 of them we could name them Mo, Ham and Ed. I wonder if 3 turtles are as dumb as the 3 Stooges? Probably dumber, since you have to be pretty damn dumb to worship Allah or brainwashed. Do pigs eat turtles, does anyone know?

  3. Back in college, I found an injured turtle and brought it home to try to nurse it back to health. Bought a kiddie pool and put it out back with some big rocks in it for the turtle to enjoy. Hand fed it raw hamburger and took real good care of it. As it’s health improved, it could climb out of the kiddie pool and roam the yard…and the driveway…where I ran over it one morning as I was leaving for work. Smashed it like a pancake.

  4. I used to have a 55 gallon aquarium filled to the top on one side with rocks. I caught two turtles from Campus Lake and they lived in the aquarium with two Tiger Oscars. My cat would perch on the edge of the tank and fish with her paw. Playful turtles, fish and cat in a single package, but a death trap for gold fish!

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