Breaking: Lauer Interviews Melania About Bimbo Eruptions – IOTW Report

Breaking: Lauer Interviews Melania About Bimbo Eruptions


20 Comments on Breaking: Lauer Interviews Melania About Bimbo Eruptions

  1. I believe most of the other women. Melania sounds like Hillary Clinton talking about a ” Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.” I am voting against Hillary and Bill Clinton. I consider myself to be part of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, because I’m a lifelong Conservative Republican and an American.

  2. Was Lauer raping little boys on Pedo Island with George Sssssteponopolusss ?

    Somebody check Podestas emails for the dates and see exactly the whereabouts of Lauer. All movements are supposed to be sent to Podesta so he can keep tabs on their employees.

  3. It’s not a joke when most of the Independent women and many moderate Republican women believe Trump’s accusers. What difference at this point does it make? The election is going to come down to women who are not that amused by these allegations. Trump is wasting time talking about these women when he should be talking about Hillary Clinton’s failures. Trump was the Clintons’ gift from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. She probably would be ten points behind any of the other Republican candidates right now. The election is a few weeks from now. We will all see how funny it turns out to be soon enough.

  4. “She probably would be ten points behind any of the other Republican candidates right now.”

    You say this with the certainty that Trump is the only one they could get dirt on or lie about. Republicans ALWAYS get hit with the October Surprise. Never Dems. Most times, it works. But sometimes, there’s a November Surprise. Let’s wait and see, Marco, concern troll.

  5. Marco, I submit that supporting, enabling and covering up for a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, rapist, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by bringing the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper is one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest failures!

  6. I don’t believe that pointing out obvious aspects of Trump’s problems with women in this election is trolling for Hillary Clinton. Trump is losing women voters in historic numbers. This is largely because of Trump’s own intemperate attitude and squalid behavior. Trump can’t get elected without women voters. He can’t keep focused on Hillary’s obvious shortcomings. Clinton is the most unpopular Democrat in modern history, and she is going to get elected unless something drastic happens. Trump is taking the bait every time it’s tossed in front of his nose. She could have been beaten handily by almost any disciplined Republican candidate. Trump is the most undisciplined Republican candidate in history. He’s being trolled by the Democrats and the MSDM. In a few weeks, we will all know if Trump really had millions of voters who didn’t care about Trump’s glaring weaknesses as a candidate. If they don’t show up for the election, it won’t be the fault of people who pointed out his problems on a few sites like IOTW.

  7. Marco,

    You are probably right. Pushing out ant-Trump will not make a difference on this site. And I’m okay with that. What I am not okay with is you pushing your ant-Trump shit out there at all. No matter which site. For God’s sake, we have the media, the GOPe, the democrats, the progressives, the communists, the marxists…And you are gonna crap on the “Anti-All this shit Hillary” candidate and say, “Hey, it doesn’t matter anyway?”


  8. Meerkat, Who do you know that I know? I gave up months ago trying to convince people that Trump was better than Hillary Clinton, because every time I made that argument Trump made a complete arse of himself by personalizing everything the MSDM threw his way. How many times was he supposed to pivot and start acting Presidential? I don’t know of a single Independent voter that is voting for Trump, and I know several Republican women who are voting for Clinton. I have heard and read all of the reasons why Trump isn’t as bad as Clinton and how important it is to defeat her. I agree with all of them. What I find curious is some people’s inability to even discuss the possibility that Donald Trump is a disastrous candidate, who has paved the way for an even more disastrous President than the one we’ve endured for two terms. Some people call that trolling for Hillary, I call it facing reality.

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