Breaking News About Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Breaking News About Hillary Clinton

ht/ c. steven tucker

26 Comments on Breaking News About Hillary Clinton

  1. “Hear ye, hear ye.”
    “Bring out your dead.”
    “Bring out your dead.”
    “Hear ye, hear ye.”

    “And who might this be?”
    “One Hillary Rodham Clinton, sire.”
    “Take back your dead!”
    “Take back your dead!”

  2. Not Fair!

    You got my hopes up for nothing.

    Remember folks, Turdo is our Prime Idiot.
    He just tried to cease power yesterday in a way that Pelosi & Shumer could not even attempt. Luckily it was stopped! He has a Minority Government THANK GOD!

    He has used this pandemic to put his voice on almost every public service announcement as well as all the pressers, news, and Town halls.
    This is a personal LOW POINT FOR ME. You cannot escape his voice or face!

    It would have been nice if the Whore would have been arrested or fallen down a staircase. Anything!


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