Breaking: Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit In WI To Toss 221,000 Invalid Votes – IOTW Report

Breaking: Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit In WI To Toss 221,000 Invalid Votes

Fox 6

President Trump’s re-election campaign filed on Tuesday, Dec. 1 a lawsuit to the Wisconsin Supreme Court following the campaign’s requested recount to “uncover fraud and abuse that irrefutably altered the outcome of this election,” a news release said.

The release from the Trump campaign says the suit “includes four cases with clear evidence of unlawfulness, such as illegally altering absentee ballot envelopes, counting ballots that had no required application, overlooking unlawful claims of indefinite confinement, and holding illegal voting events called Democracy in the Park. These unlawful actions affected no less than approximately 221,000 ballots out of over the three million ballots cast in Wisconsin.” More

Read the official press release from the Trump re-election campaign at Jack Posobiec (of OAN) Twitter Fed

3 Comments on Breaking: Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit In WI To Toss 221,000 Invalid Votes

  1. Be aware.

    Right now on social media and on blogs, there are liberals commenting on them trying to convince people there’s nothing to see here, there’s no fraud, we are all crazy, biden is a real president, etc. They all follow the same pattern because they are paid to make comments.

    This same thing happened after they passed 0bamacare.
    Paid liberal trolls came around to all the sites and social media and made comments to ‘debunk’ 0bamacare ‘rumors and lies’.

  2. The answer seems simple enough, go sort through the ballots and find the ones you deem illegal, giving the proof that they are the illegal ones for each one, and remove them from the count.

    That wouldn’t even require a recount of all of them, just just a simple arithmetic subtraction from the current totals. So easy even a Democrat could do it.


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