Bush Backpedals – Says He Never Meant To Criticize Trump – IOTW Report

Bush Backpedals – Says He Never Meant To Criticize Trump

LA Times-

Former President George W. Bush on Wednesday pushed back at the notion that his recent remarks about the media were criticisms of President Trump.

“I’m asked the question, ‘Do I believe in free press?’ and the answer is absolutely, I believe in free press … because the press holds people to account,” he said. “Power is very addictive and it’s corrosive if it becomes central to your life and therefore there needs to be an independent group of people who hold you to account. And so I answered that question and of course the headlines were, ‘Bush criticizes Trump.’ And so therefore I needed to say, ‘There should be a free and independent press, but it ought to be accurate.’”

Bush made the remarks at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley during an hourlong question-and-answer session promoting “Portraits of Courage,” his new book that features his paintings of veterans. While doing media interviews about the book in recent days, he has raised eyebrows by making comments about the media, immigrants and allegations of Russian interference in the November presidential election that were widely viewed as criticisms of the new president.

He said that he decided once he left the office not to second-guess his successor, former President Obama, and that the same holds true for Trump. Doing so would undermine the office, Bush said, adding that he wants all of his successors to succeed because it is good for the nation.

“I don’t want to make the president’s job worse, no matter what political party it is. It’s a hard job,” Bush said. “Sometimes my remarks can be construed as criticism. They’re certainly not meant to be, and after I finish this book tour you probably won’t hear from me for a while.”


27 Comments on Bush Backpedals – Says He Never Meant To Criticize Trump

  1. So, you don’t talk to the public for 8 years, while Obama is busy driving us into socialism HELL, and NOW you decide to talk?
    Can all of you Bushes just GO THE FUCK AWAY?

  2. Bush made a cottage industry of ignoring the Freedom of Information Act – so his braying about “Freedom of the Press” is caterwauling BULLSHIT.
    Another Globaloney-ist hypocrite.
    (still better than Obola or Gore, but a hypocrite, nonetheless)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Too late, George-y Boy. Are you really so out of touch that you could not figure out what the “free press” question was about? Did you not see what was coming? Or did you totally understand the smear game being played and decide to join in the fun? You are either stupid or evil. Which is it?

  4. Actually this is good press for Trump, more specifically, for Sessions. See, Bush even “lied” about what he really meant, right? He answered the question that was asked and didn’t elaborate.

    I hope no one misses that the media is using bare-knuckled Alinsky tactics all the way to the bank. Reasonable, sensible people almost never question that the media is using tactics against them. In a normal world, why would they suspect that? They wouldn’t.

  5. Remarks can be construed as criticism – and he didn’t make any remarks and refused to comment about Obama but it has been open season on taking questions about Trump,

  6. People! He said, though phrased poorly (how GWB, of him), that he never intended to aid and abet President Emeritus Obama’s fifth column maneuvers. It’s settled precedent that intent is twelve tenths of the law. So quiet down, and empty your wallets into the baskets.

  7. I think it’s time for George to go back to golf or painting or whatever it is he does to pass the time. I suspect had there not been the uproar he wouldn’t be walking his comments back. Besides, I suspect he doesn’t need anyone looking deeply into his decisions on domestic issues during his time in office.

  8. After attacking/sabotaging Trump and making it clear he’s a RINO cretin, its back to the ranch to wait for what he expects is Trump’s downfall. Good luck with that George W. More for Mr. Trump than against him.
    BTW, your paintings suck. Sorry veterans.

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