CA Schools Could Reopen In July; Businesses Will Be Staggered – IOTW Report

CA Schools Could Reopen In July; Businesses Will Be Staggered

Public schools may reopen as early as July, and some businesses within
weeks, according to a coronavirus reopening plan unveiled Tuesday.

Patch – State officials on Tuesday unveiled a plan to gradually restart public life in California amid the coronavirus crisis, with public schools reopening for the next school year as soon as late July and businesses reopening in stages, depending on their level of risk. [snip]

The highly anticipated Stage 2 may include reopening schools in late July or August, Newsom said, citing the need to make up for lost learning as the state’s students have faced a rough transition to distance education. Lower-risk businesses would also be allowed to reopen during this stage, including manufacturing, retail that allows for curbside pickup, and offices that are able to implement social distancing, Angell said.

Read the whole article here.

6 Comments on CA Schools Could Reopen In July; Businesses Will Be Staggered

  1. Six stages? B.S.

    It’s more like an A-B reopening plan with a backup plan B when plan A fails.

    Plan A: Reopen everything when Biden is elected in November.
    Plan B: When Biden isn’t elected, reopen everything in 2024.

    I’m so sick of these assholes.

    Now I’m not permitted in any public place. I refuse to wear their stupid face coverings. The best I will do is wear a full face motorcycle helmet with a blacked out face shield. All the authoritarian governors can suck my balls. At this point I want to be infected just to get it over with.

  2. And the lawsuit for banning religious services for months in 5, 4, 3, 2…
    And no hair cuts until stage 3?! Months away?! There is a reason all the stores on Melrose boarded up after the lock down. Social unrest coming soon.

  3. Riverside County is being held hostage by the public health minister who just declared shelter in place until June 19!
    This will not stand. The resistance will be in Inland Southern California.
    We are economically dying while the politicians twiddle their thumbs.

  4. Complete bullshit. Someone sneezes, and the economy shuts down, and pelosi goes home and eats ice cream, and Cloward-Piven destroys our way of life.

    What kind of suckers are we??

  5. Here’s a List of Colleges’ Plans for Reopening in the Fall

    COVID-19 key words and phrases of blissfully ignorant failed dreaming higher education academia: preparing, hopes, intend, leaning, optimistically planning, block-scheduling, our goal, exploring, committed, shifting, we are expecting, planning, tentative plans, proceeding, a hybrid approach, it is our hope and intention, finalizing plans, developing, we very much hope, we are expecting, plans to announce, cautiously optimistic, our expectation, expects, fully expect, aiming, we plan to welcome, eyeing, currently considering, We have every intention, we plan to conduct


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