California Dems Want To Fast-Track Medical Licenses for Applicants Who Will Provide “Gender-Affirming” Care – IOTW Report

California Dems Want To Fast-Track Medical Licenses for Applicants Who Will Provide “Gender-Affirming” Care

WFB: California’s medical credentialing boards would have to fast-track licenses for clinicians and therapists focused on gender transitions and other gender-affirming care under a bill that has already cleared the state assembly.

The legislation would require the state medical board, osteopathic board, nursing board, and physicians assistant board to expedite licenses “for an applicant who demonstrates that they intend to provide gender-affirming health care and gender-affirming mental health care.” MORE

21 Comments on California Dems Want To Fast-Track Medical Licenses for Applicants Who Will Provide “Gender-Affirming” Care

  1. They fast-tracked their murderous ScamDemic as they practiced Medicine without licensure, so why not just create new ‘professionals’ who perform these satanic deeds?

    Eventually they will be licensing gas-chamber technicians, to deal with us deplorable unwillings.

  2. A “quack” might sell you green jelly beans convincing you that make you grow taller,
    these people are DESTROYERS of lives, by mutilating their minds AND bodies.

  3. Why the hell not ‘license’ them in a hurry, damned be their real world training and experience.

    Its not like a person who is willing to violate the first sentence of the Hippocratic Oath and cut off healthy tissue instead of treat a diseased mind will EVER become an actual healer anyway, so theres no sense in pretending to wait for THAT to happen.

    G’head, license that fraud just like you have in every office from the president on down. Get them out there mutilating children in body and mind. Serve satan in that way, its not like you wont be going home to him anyway, so why the hell not.

    But dont be surprised when you find out he lied to YOU, too.

    …and thats when you will realize that every crime you have committed in the name of ‘medicine’ will be avenged on you sevenfold, from poisoning children to maiming them to ripping them apart in the womb, yours to own in the bowels of Hell for all eternity; not only YOUR crimes against humanity either, but those of the minions you so earnestly seek to speed to the field to start tearing apart the very works of God.

    Thats when you will find that God is not mocked, which is EXACTLY what you wish to licence these fraudulent ‘physicisns’ to do.


    …and BTW, you may not have to wait too long for that judgement.

    When you and yours finally cause the pot to boil over, make no mistake that hunting down you child manglers will be high on the list.

    At which time you will be forcibly remanded to Gods judgement.

    But not before getting a generous sample of as much hell as humans can visit on you to send you screamingly on your way.

    …see you soon.

  4. …but thanks, guys, for making a list of white-coated scum that state their willingness to tear the flesh of children after ruining their minds.

    Having a list like that will be handy.

    When the time comes.

  5. This clarifies why UCLA’s Med School is circling the drain.

    I can’t imagine the ‘best and the brightest’ med school candidates wanting to have anything to do with that place.

  6. Lowell
    THURSDAY, 30 MAY 2024, 13:19 AT 1:19 PM
    “Care sounds mo betta than sexual mutilation.”

    …which is also why they now refee to the satanic practice of ripping living, fully formed infant human beings apart in the womb as “abortion CARE”…

  7. NEVER, EVER, see a doctor for anything…unless you have vetted them regarding the jab, western medicine, etc. Naturopaths are your best bet, then functional medicine folks.

  8. Get a good pair of garden shears, have the ability to tell green pills from red pills, and maybe buy a top notch set of steak knives, and you too can be a gender affirming doctor in California.


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