California: Oakland Abolishes School Police Department – IOTW Report

California: Oakland Abolishes School Police Department

Police provide protection for schools against gang violence in the hallways and mass shooting events.

Well, that will teach the parents a lesson.


The Oakland Unified School District abolished its own police force at a school board meeting on Wednesday night, bowing to the wishes of radical left-wing activists and the Black Lives Matter movement.

The decision came a day after the Los Angeles Unified School District board could not agree on a similar proposal. It follows nationwide demands from activists, including many Democrats, to defund or abolish the police. more

23 Comments on California: Oakland Abolishes School Police Department

  1. A Cambodian kid was asked why he joined the Communists (Khmer Rouge).
    He answered: “Because we didn’t have to go to school and we got to kill people.”

    Oakland kids will be the same.

    Hitler Youth.
    Communist Pioneers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I have lived in the Denver area all of my life (ignore out-of-state college, please, just to be accurate and not get canceled). I remember Columbine. Even though some schools had “resource officers” before then, that was the event many can point to where almost all schools started getting police on-site.
    What will happen when the next Columbine occurs? It will be blamed on the police for not being there.
    Blue lives and children’s lives matter you idjits!! I hope parents in the school district let them know where I think the majority stand. Protecting the students is much more important than some sham organization falsely calling themselves BLM, since they really don’t seem to care about black lives.

  3. No one asks why they had police there in the first place?

    Police just decided to quarter themselves in schools?

    Sending your kids to public schools should be considered child abuse.

  4. In a fair society these people voting for this should have their numbers blocked from the 911 system. Their calls should be redirected to a social services department.

  5. …it’s not weird, it’s just you have to understand that the school’s mission has changed.

    They’re not trying to educate productive citizens…they’re trying to indoctrinate and train thugs to be Democrat enforcers and brown shirts that will self-eliminate the weaker specimens.

    Mission Accomplished.

  6. Interesting. They want to conduct a big social experiment and use defenseless children as the guinea pigs. Why don’t they just go all the way and replace the school police officers with pedophiles?

  7. The parents are getting what they deserve for voting Dem.
    I feel sorry for the kids who want to learn and find themselves trapped in an asylum for the criminally insane
    that has Hannibal Lecter and El Chapo wannabe’s in charge.

  8. Left Coast Dan
    JUNE 27, 2020 AT 12:31 PM
    “I bet more than half of that police force is black.”

    …yes, and that can actually cause a PD to be LEGIT a REAL problem, but not the way you think.

    Lincoln Heights, Ohio is a small first-ring suburb of Cincinnati, founded as a Black community and still is. Skipping all the usual history and finger pointing, after a seires of officer- involved Black deaths, there were race riots in Cincinnati in 2001, the City police were essentially withdrawn, and the Sheriff had to restore order.

    This all gave Lincoln Heights the idea they had to have a Black police force for a Black community, much in the same way that ONLY Black people will be considered for Cincinnati Police Chief, even if they have to gp to another state and hire a guy who isn’t a Police Officer in Ohio to GET one.

    …anyway, as you might guess, qualified Black police officers are a rare and valuable commodity in these race-conscious times, and Lincoln Heights being a poor community seemingly didn’t get first dibs.

    So they kind of, well, lowered their standards…

    “Officers Laroy Smith, Mike Lowe and Justine Pile were also called in to assist in Glover’s arrest. During the struggle, some of Smith’s ammunition “dislodged from his duty belt and fell onto Glover’s back,” according to the report.
    After spotting the ammunition, the officers assumed Glover had a gun, investigators said.
    “(They said) ‘Look, there’s bullets. He’s got a gun.’ When you say that around police officers, that’s pretty much death right there,” Glover said.
    But the bullets didn’t belong to Glover – they belonged to the only convicted criminal at the scene: Sgt. Smith.
    Glover’s charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest were eventually dismissed. He later filed a written complaint to the department’s Internal Affairs unit, stating he “was falsely arrested and Tased without justice.” It was later decided the “officers could have dealt with the situation in a more tactful way,” investigators said.
    The I-Team uncovered Smith was convicted in 1996 for falsification, and then violated his probation.
    Lincoln Heights Police Chief Conroy Chance promoted Smith to his second in command in the past, but then demoted and fired him in 2014 after a sting operation by sheriff’s investigators. Smith was arrested for felony theft while on duty.
    “Within the last two years, there have been some trying times for my department,” Conroy said.
    Conroy said some hires at his department before his tenure were “questionable.”
    “Now we’re actually paying the cost of those decisions that were made back then,” he said.
    And Conroy isn’t being figurative. The department paid $240,000 in a confidential settlement with other residents who were beaten and arrested by police in 2008 on charges that didn’t stick.
    Former Vice Mayor Gary Brown and high school science teacher William Franklin said, like many, they don’t trust the police in their village.
    “We are living in a sick place when we let guys like these become officers,” Franklin said, before suing the department with Brown.
    Both men received cash settlements after the suit and signed “non-disparagement” agreements promising not to “in any way criticize the village of Lincoln Heights” to anyone, including “the news media.”
    “Officer Maddox, Officer Smack and Officer Capps beat me while I had my handcuffs on,” Franklin said before filing the lawsuit.
    Those officers are still on the force.
    Officer Steven Maddox was once a Cincinnati police officer, but was fired in 2005 when he was convicted of sexual imposition for groping a woman while on duty.
    Officer Phillip Capps was fired by Lincoln Heights in 2001, and then rehired. Since then, he’s been written up for “a pattern of behavior” of flirting with female drivers, according to police documents. Officials said he also issued fake citations when the women didn’t respond to “his flirtatious advances.”
    Capps was required to quit five biker gangs, including the “Made Men” and the “Ground Assassins” after he showed up during a jury trial in uniform to support a fellow biker charged with a felony, an internal investigation states.”

    …there were also some thefi-in-office issues and other problems so bad that they couldn’t even get insurance for the Police Department, so they ultimately disbanded it and contracted with the County Sheriff.

    …so there’s this problem with racial purity hiring, which is that it severely limits your choices. Then you have to lower your standards to achieve your desired racial makeup, then stuff like this happens…

    …not saying this is the problem in very, very Black Oakland’s school PD.

    …just saying it MIGHT be…

    (Side note: ya gotta love the part of the story above where a guy complains about being beaten by “Officer Smack”…)

  9. Then arm the appropriate staff, those that are gun carriers, former military etc. Creating a bunch of gun free zones is an invitation for school shootings to increase and they know that but hey some kid’s lives don’t matter when you can then create a crisis to demand disarming people. It is sick and heartless and they are supposedly the compassionate ones. Right.


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