California Senate Approves One-Gun-a-Month Purchase Limit for Residents – IOTW Report

California Senate Approves One-Gun-a-Month Purchase Limit for Residents

CPR: The California Senate approved extending the one-gun-a-month handgun purchase limit to long guns on Tuesday, thereby limiting Californians to buying only one type of gun each 30-day period.

The bill is sponsored by Sen. Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge), who said, “There is no need or reason why a person would need to purchase more than one gun a month.”  more here

SNIP: How many guns do illegal alien gangbangers get to buy per month?

16 Comments on California Senate Approves One-Gun-a-Month Purchase Limit for Residents

  1. Again, with the “need”. Liberals are obsessed with controlling what you “need.” How about a bill limiting anal reaming in the state of California because no one “needs” more than one anal reaming in a month?

  2. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    It appears this state senator doesn’t understand the term: shall not be infringed.

  3. Most of us purchase one or two guns a year. We’ve seen this rationing scheme before, of course the push it again.

    I fully expect my 2A brethren in Kalifornia Peoples’ Republic Of to now purchase one handgun and one long gun PER month. That’s 24 guns per year. There will be more shooters, more guns and more ammo in that State inside of one year than during Hussein’s regime.

    Let’s see the NICS counter go off the charts again.

  4. This states been on a slow death spiral to full on socialist for a long time. But now the Libtards have a Super Majority it the State Senate and they’ve decided screw the slow spiral, lets just jump off the cliff. Yesterday they moved Single Payer forward with no idea how to pay for it.
    Here’s this clowns web page. One white person on the entire page.

  5. Brad, when are you going to leave? I’ve been out here working in SoCal since late January. I can’t wait to see this place behind me as I head back to NW florida in a few weeks.

  6. How does this law affect anyone willing to machine their own 80% lower receivers?

    It doesn’t. It didn’t. It won’t. I’m living proof.


  7. California will have to collapse. And then be rebuilt.

    The one huge Unknown is whether Trump deports the La Raza voter base.
    And/or cracks down nationally on voter fraud/Required proof of citizenship.
    Either will work. Both will be a transformation.
    If the Dems lose their Illegal constituency, sanity could return in just 1 or 2 election cycles.

  8. These “laws” work. I would buy a 100 guns out of spite but for the onerous inconvenience of all the crap you have to go through. I don’t think anything they do pisses me off more than their violation of the 2nd Amendment. Trump and Sessions need to clamp down on these aholes NOW!

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