California Ushers in 2018 with Ammunition Control – IOTW Report

California Ushers in 2018 with Ammunition Control


Breitbart California– It is January 1, 2018, which means law-abiding Californians can no longer buy ammunition out-of-state or possess an unregistered AR-15 with a bullet button accessory.

On December 13, 2017, Breitbart News reported that California’s war on guns was about to expand to a war on ammunition, and January 1 marks the day that the war on ammunition begins.

Currently, law-abiding Californians must buy their ammunition from a licensed in-state ammunition dealer. This means that Californians who buy ammunition online must have that ammo shipped to a licensed in-state dealer and pay that dealer a fee when picking up the ammo.

These controls immediately lessen the supply of ammunition, thereby driving up the price for those who demand it. Also, these controls set the stage for phase two of ammunition control, which will consist of requiring a point-of-sale background check for ammunition purchases starting January 1, 2019. The point-of-sale background check will also carry a processing fee, which will drive the price of ammunition even higher.

These controls are in addition to the requirement that law-abiding Californians obtain a firearm safety certificate from the state before buying a firearm, endure a ten-day waiting period for gun purchases, pass a universal background check, register all firearms with the state, and live under the shadow of gun confiscation laws. There is an “assault weapons” ban, a ban on campus carry, and a new law against K-12 teachers being armed to shoot back if under attack at school.

California also has a “good cause” requirement for concealed carry, which allows bureaucrats within the issuing system to strictly control the number of permits given to law-abiding citizens. This single gun control has resulted in limiting the number of permits issued in Los Angeles County to 197; Los Angles County has a population of 10.2 million, yet only 197 concealed carry permits have been issued to the law-abiding citizens residing there.

The “good cause” requirement affords onlookers a great opportunity to see how gun control empowers criminals by keeping law-abiding citizens disarmed.

53 Comments on California Ushers in 2018 with Ammunition Control

  1. I posted this on another thread

    “It’s getting worse quick. Prop 63, the back ground checks for ammo, goes into effect tomorrow. Virtually no gun or ammo store has received a license to sell ammo yet. Our Sheriff has been writing, e mailing, and calling CalDoj for the last week. He’s been posting the correspondence and conversations on the Sheriffs FB page. He’s caught them in several lies. But the final answer was these ammo stores will just need to close their doors until the licenses are ready. His final reply was that was totally unacceptable. It’ll be interesting to see if our county ammo stores are selling ammo tomorrow. Sound like our Sheriff is ready to go to war with the state.”

  2. Crap California is another Venezuela or Cuba good for them the idiots voters getting there medicine.for voting for communist , socialist . Know the citizens of California can’t used their second amendment to hunt the criminal illegal aliens .

  3. “doesn’t banning out of state ammo conflict with the commerce clause of the constitution?”

    It’s not banned. If you place an order with an out of state supplier that supplier is required to ship it to a licensed ammo retailer where he will perform the back ground check and the pass on the ammo. That attack won’t work. They need to find another way.

  4. Just like it has always been.
    There will be smugglers and black market
    ammo .22 .38 .380 9mm 10mm .45 .357 etc.
    coming in at midnight…
    Nothing new in 6000 years.

  5. “register all firearms with the state”

    The only reason for a centralized database of gunowners and the firearms they own, is to confiscate those firearms. It’s a confiscation list, nothing less.

    This is tyranny.

  6. “The only reason for a centralized database of gunowners and the firearms they own, is to confiscate those firearms. It’s a confiscation list, nothing less.”

    Could also be used as the National Socialists used the “J” on official papers.

    Never underestimate the viciousness of the socialists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Africa Bob (at 8:34 pm): I’m assuming you don’t mean to tar all Californians with the “idiot” brush. Bad Brad, Left Coast Dan, and a host of other patriots live in Cali, too. They can’t help it if the idiots outnumber them.

    Just sayin’.

  8. The Northern Counties LEO don’t give flying F where you get your ammo. And the harder Southern California, and make no mistake this is what is happening, tries to clamp down on us the closer we get to a rebellion.

  9. “Soon you’ll be required to disclose how many shots fired per day.”

    Something I’m currently worried about. We can order ammo. But we can’t sell it. We burn it all up in product test or personal use. Sometimes a lot. I average at least 1K of 9mm a month. Do we need to account for all that? ammo. Nobody at CalDoj can answer that question.

  10. California should lose it’s statehood and be cut loose from the Union. They hate the Constitution so much they shouldn’t be allowed to use it or be part of it.

  11. like I said all along … the progs won’t be satisfied until they confiscate all LAW ABIDING guns … they are ok w/ criminals (including alien criminals)
    a lesson for the rest of ya … every time you go to any Wal-Mart plunk down $20 CASH for ammo … of any kind, for any firearm you, or any of your relatives own
    30 years from now most every state will have this same march to Totalitarianism

    … you’ve been warned

  12. A buddy of mine in Kalifonia has 9 years before he can retire. He came to visit his sister in Tennessee this Christmas. He left a gunsafe with almost all of his guns in her basement. The ones he left back in Kali were a revolver, single shot 22 Rifle, a Double Barrel shotgun, and a bolt action 308 that has an internal 4 round magazine that he felt were safe from confiscation.

    While in TN he loaded up on reloading supplies, 22LR bullets, and shotgun shells to carry back. He is hoping he has a 9 year supply. He already has some lake front property in the Ozarks for a retirement home. He is totally fed up with Kalifornia.

  13. “While in TN he loaded up on reloading supplies, 22LR bullets,”

    And your full of shit. Nobody reloads rimfire. Sorry, I just can’t stand bull shit. AND THATS BULL SHIT.

  14. “It’s getting worse quick. Prop 63, the back ground checks for ammo, goes into effect tomorrow. Virtually no gun or ammo store has received a license to sell ammo yet. Our Sheriff has been writing, e mailing, and calling CalDoj for the last week. He’s been posting the correspondence and conversations on the Sheriffs FB page. He’s caught them in several lies. But the final answer was these ammo stores will just need to close their doors until the licenses are ready. His final reply was that was totally unacceptable. It’ll be interesting to see if our county ammo stores are selling ammo tomorrow. Sound like our Sheriff is ready to go to war with the state.”

    But of course LEO’s still get their ammo with no problem, amiright?

  15. Reboot

    As far as I know they were not smart enough to target reloading supplies. If I were Joe Average Cali shooter I’d find some buddies and chip in on a progressive. WHICH won’t load rimfire 22 boys.

  16. Bad_Brad: Read it again. He said “reloading supplies, 22LR bullets, and shotgun shells to carry back”. He’s talking about three different things, not reloading supplies for .22 LR or shotgun shells. The reloading supplies are for other caliber rounds.

  17. VV

    22LR bullets. I know where everyones going with this, but a 22LR ((rimfire) does not dimensionally resemble a 223 or 556 center fire bullet. Am I missing something? If so please elaborate.

  18. Long week end. Worked all the way through because some dumb ass material vendor got me material on Friday instead of Wednesday like they originally promised.
    Let’s talk about California Idiot legislatures and “Featureless Guns”.Featureless gun criteria, no flash suppressor, a fixed stock, and no pistol grip. We configure ours with a pinned Mission First Tactical stock, and a Hammer Head grip, plus Abi Safety. No Bullet Button. That configuration is far more, FAR MORE, rapid fire then a bullet button gun. Stupid fucks.

  19. @BB – give it a rest. I’m sure he mispoke. How many gun enthusiasts call magazines…clips? Do you call bullshit on them?

    I’m pretty sure you’ve said something meaning something else.

  20. @BB – Just how do you bite a “whole” in your tongue? I have to throw the bullshit flag. Nobody bites a “whole” in their tongue.

    Oh, wait…I see what you did there. You meant you were biting “holes” in your tongue.

  21. He said “reloading supplies, 22LR bullets, and shotgun shells to carry back”. No big deal he didn’t say reloading supplies for 22LR.
    Everyone knows you don’t reload 22 bullets.
    Can we all agree California SUCKS! Happy New Year.

  22. in 2018 I’ve decided not to get into the weeds with posts. So here is a funny story. I recently got a promotion and will be transferring to Indiana from Pinehurst, NC. The temperature in Indiana this morning -17
    I’m an idiot. lol Still better than transferring to California.

  23. @Bad_Brad (at 12:03 am): OK, not to belabor the point, but just to clarify what I am saying: Suppose he had said, “reloading supplies, slingshot ball bearings, and shotgun shells to carry back”. You wouldn’t think he was talking about reloading the slingshot ammo, would you? So why do you think he’s talking about reloading the .22LR?

    Hope this helps. It’s all I got.

  24. Vietvet, Thank you for standing up for the many conservatives in California. Yes, we are sick to death of all the unconstitutional laws the libs are shoving down our throats. You are correct, we have been taken over by illegal voting not only by illegals but also the Democrat Party tampering with voting. We are getting ready for midterms by volunteering. We need help, not criticism! I’d love to see every state turned red but it will take a lot of work and a walls on both the southern and the northern borders.

  25. @Tiger Eyes: No problemo. Hang tough and keep up the good work. When a majority of the citizens of Cali have had enough, maybe they’ll change the State from blue to red someday.

    Probably won’t happen in my lifetime, though.

  26. One of my New Years resolutions was to quit commenting here. .45-70 you fucking idiot. 22 LR, let me repeat that, 22 lr is a fucking rimfire round asshole. Nobody reloads rim fire. Idiot. A first for siding with Jay Tuck. But he’s 1000 percent right. Done with wanta be’s. Probably spelled that wrong but fuck off. My last post here.

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