Call Your Walmart and Complain – IOTW Report

Call Your Walmart and Complain


That was quick. Walmart has taken the product down, blaming a third party vendor who uploaded it without their knowledge.

Awaiting an official statement.


Yes… free speech, we get it.

But there is no protection from the public repercussions of that speech.

They are selling Impeach 45 tee shirts.


Here is the main number to call: (479) 273-4000

25 Comments on Call Your Walmart and Complain

  1. They have been pulled from their website. It was explained to me that they were offered by a ‘third party vendor.’ I explained to them that I don’t care about that, but that it was walmart who was selling them. They are working on a public statement about it.

  2. The Left wraps itself in the 1st Amendment/free speech *only* when it is convenient, but has NO problem running with BOYCOTT!/DOXX!/RUIN THEIR CAREER! when they prefer.

  3. Remember…..the flow of money is a valid expression of your 1st Amendment rights…..and voting with your pocketbook is especially noticeable to the target of your “speech”.

  4. Pabst brewing company announced today their new ‘Auntie Maxine’s Peach 45’
    malt liquor.
    They added Peach flavored electrolytes just like they have in Brawndo

  5. And Walmart was going to roll out an Ebonics version for Auntie Maxiepad that said, “Peach Fortify”. I guess she’ll not be getting any royalties after all!

  6. I wouldn’t mind it if there were equally distasteful hillary products, but there weren’t. I actually looked through the walmart online and only saw pro-hill stuff except for a couple of books, which were saying why she wouldn’t be a good president.

    Hey, they have a right to sell the impeach fotuh-faaah tshirts and onesies, even after we complain. But I don’t recall seeing impeach 0bama shirts. I know they didn’t sell them because the LSM would have told us and the left would have burned down a few walmarts. lol.

    BTW, they’re selling them on amazon, too.

    Hey, if the left wants to play the outrage game, so can we.

  7. I believe the third party vendor excuse because amazon does the same shit. You should take a look around both websites and see how bad the product descriptions are written, incorrect prices, incorrect products shown, some stuff is barely in English because they’re being shipped from China. Oh and how about if maybe they actually try to hide the ‘adults only’ section a little better? under 21 looks at the internet, too. All I’m saying is, Pay some fucking attention, Wally and Amazon, before your place starts looking like a third world swap meet.

  8. So I signed up a month ago for a WalMart credit card only because you would get a $25 gift certificate in return. Okay, nothing to me. I get the card and my $25. I spent the $25, and I will now cut up the card, call WalMart and tell them to close my account. Works for me!


  9. One of the last things Bill Clinton did before leaving office was grant China “Most Favored Trade Status”. It was a gift to the Walton family that was abandoning their original “Buy American” bussiness model and adopting their new “Buy Cheap Shit and Charge Slightly Less” business model. That move by Bill Clinton is why we are where we are at today with China. Bill Clinton created the Super Power that steals our jobs and our technology. Current Trump policies have got to have Walmart management shitting large square bricks. I don’t think it was all that innocent.

  10. I just had a “live chat” at their website. I dumped my written displeasure on the agent and disconnected. I’m not interested in an explanation because I’m done with them. They have exclusive control over every product that hits their shelves.

  11. Golden Foxx be careful doing that when you cancel that card they can and will use it against your credit and your insurance.
    It takes a year to clear it off your credit report.

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