Canada’s Conservative Party votes to support same-sex marriage – IOTW Report

Canada’s Conservative Party votes to support same-sex marriage

AT: At their national convention on Saturday, delegates for the Conservative Party of Canada – which was unceremoniously tossed out of office in last October’s federal election by a majority win going to Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party –voted by a 69-to-31% margin in favor of same-sex marriage.

The vote, along with others that include a movement toward the legalization of marijuana, takes the party even farther to the political left, making it effectively indistinguishable on most issues from the Liberal Party.

Notable members in leadership positions throughout the party even went so far as to adopt the famous slogan from former Liberal prime minister Pierre Trudeau: “there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.”  Jason Kenney, who once served as executive assistant for the Liberal Party’s Ralph Goodale, was strongly in favor of the same-sex marriage motion.  more

8 Comments on Canada’s Conservative Party votes to support same-sex marriage

  1. So the politicians in Canada that call themselves conservative are just as much lying, unprincipled sacks of porcine excrement as most of the worthless republicans here in America that call themselves conservatives.

  2. Canada is not dead – yet, but we have entered the Twilight Zone. None of these political elitist assholes give a shit about ordinary working citizens. They despise us so much they want to replace us.

  3. When Preston Manning created the Reform party back in 1987, there was hope for Canada. Then a few years ago they gave in and merged with the hideous “Progressive-Conservatives” and wrecked their strength. I mean at one point they had become the official opposition to the Liberal party. Now, they have given in to the destruction of civilization.

    ATs article quotes from a Canadian publication at length. He mentions how so many of the men in Harpers cabinet are implied to be gay. Well seeing that Canada is so left, I suspect that the majority of the normal men are now MGTOW! Yes, that’s right, they went their own way because of Marxism, Hypergamy, Gynocentrism, Feminism and good old Bullshit! But from what I have seen with the opposite sex, I can see this happening, especially with pc canada.

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