Capitalism vs. Socialism – IOTW Report

Capitalism vs. Socialism

This last week, Charles Payne hosted a town hall debate on Fox Business putting the wonders of capitalism up against the horrors of socialism. An interview with Payne prior to the event. Here

The program is broken into segments, I suggest to watch it somewhere you’re able to freely talk back to the screen.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

6 Comments on Capitalism vs. Socialism

  1. Charles Payne is a very smart dude, understand the dynamic nature of the free markets and embraces capitalism with a flourish but his ill-conceived multi year affair with political commentator Scotty Hughes is instructive in demonstrating that some women should not be believed (she sued Foxnews claiming that Payne raped her through out her consensual affair) and how black privilege kept him employed when a white man of similar indiscretions would have been immediately axed.

  2. I don’t know how this show will eventually be spun but episode 3 of Chernobyl will be on TV tonight. It’s an accurate enough portrayal of how socialism tried to handle one of the nuclear mishaps in history.

    When you can’t speak the truth for fear of death.

  3. So far “Chernobyl” is great….. But it airs on Monday night..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Don’t be defined by your enemies.
    “Das Kapital” was written by Marx (Karl, not Groucho) as an attempt to codify and categorize the concept of “do what you like with your own stuff” and formulate it (Liberty/Freedom) into something sinister on which the minds of the parasitic could focus.

    That we continue to allow the nihilist/statist/socialist/totalitarians to define us (those who propound Liberty and Freedom) is as absurd as it must be convenient. Most of the parasitic slugs who support socialism have absolutely no idea what the real-life consequences are – they are enraptured by the phantasmagorical siren-song and refuse to perceive the inherent contradictions and underlying falsehoods – and are thus willing to enslave themselves (through the socialist effort to enslave YOU).

    But, we seem to accept the lexicography because we’re either lazy or exhausted by the continual (and continuous) assaults on our language, our society, our comity, and our civilization.

    izlamo delenda est …


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