Carol of the Campus SJW’s – IOTW Report

Carol of the Campus SJW’s

As campuses around the nation prepare for final exams, we are treated to a variation on a Christmas classic just for those indoctrination centers of political correctness. Here

3 Comments on Carol of the Campus SJW’s

  1. This POS song should be titled the Snowflake Symphonies. It illustrates exactly what is wrong with our higher education systems. Damn revisionists are just as loco as liberals, oh wait, they are liberals. People like this are going to be in a deep hurt when they have to start making a living on their own, and I can’t wait.

  2. Love the song – hits the nail on the head about sjw’s.

    Sad to say I cried wolf about “social workers in the 90’s but nobody listened. I cried sodomy in the eighties.I began to hate my first reporter and demoncrats in the seventies.

    Nobody listened.


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