Cartel Horror Continues: Suspect Arrested at U.S. Border With Hostages – IOTW Report

Cartel Horror Continues: Suspect Arrested at U.S. Border With Hostages

Dan Bongino:

A suspect has been arrested following the horrific massacre of nine Americans just south of the border on Monday. The three women and six children are part of a mormon community living near the Arizona border and were on their way to a wedding when they were gunned down.

Upon the suspect’s arrest, even more terror was unearthed about the cartel gunman. In a statement on Facebook, the Agency for Criminal Investigation said the suspect was apprehended in the town of Agua Prieta, a Mexican town immediately across the border from Douglas, Arizona.

Investigators found four assault rifles and two hostages who were bound and gagged, inside of a bulletproof SUV. As the dust settles, the question now is what was the motivation behind the brutal murders. Some speculate it may have been a case of mistaken identity, where the gunmen could have seen the group’s envoy of large SUVs and thought they were a rival gang. read more

18 Comments on Cartel Horror Continues: Suspect Arrested at U.S. Border With Hostages

  1. He’s probably lucky he wasn’t arrested in the US because he’d be on death row forever. The Mexicans hopefully will summarily execute this bastard for what he did to that unfortunate Mormon family. And the sooner the better, dispose of his worthless POS body by giving it to the buzzards, vultures, eagles, coyotes etc. to eat until all that’s left is a skeleton.

  2. MRHhanoverfist you have the right of it!
    May I humbly suggest a gibbet? Give him a pound of honey, and a pound of cheese and weld him in forty feet from the ground.
    Let the elements decide his fate
    Let his bones advise his compatriots

  3. You don’t have to go to Mexico to be in danger of your life, the Democrats are bringing them directly to you via open border policies they promote and hammer for.

  4. How, for fuck’s sake, has Mexico gotten away with the America racist, America bad, guns bad, capital punishment bad, etc. rhetoric, while firmly establishing itself near the top of the list of corrupt countries of the world?

    Oh, that’s right..we surrendered to PC.

    Wouldn’t you think they’d be somewhat embarrassed, especially while sending their own north to the America they hate, so that they could sneak in illegally and send back American greenbacks?

    I despise Mexico for their blatant hypocrisy, but we enabled this mess.

    So, I despise Congress even more.

  5. The old British Empire knew how to handle pirates
    by land or sea. Catch them using overwhelming might. Assemble several officers for a Courts Marshall and
    try them in the order they were caught.
    Once found guilty there was no appeal
    and for murder or piracy the criminal was soon hung for
    all to see. Hard times require hard men to sort it out.
    And that put an end to the rampant piracy wherever
    the Brits had their flag.
    Then the socialists took over, taught nihilism and
    weakness in the schools and demanded it from their
    Anglo subjects.
    Now they are losing their country forever.

  6. Listening to Gorka today he had on Brandon Darby and he said they were probably shot, my words, with high caliber repeating rifles long distance, even before they knew it. (think war like ‘in coming’ here to the cartels, take it out before even knowing.)

    Darby talked about people that live in Texas and own large SUVS and F-250’s (they can be armored you see, he said) as being targets, crazy shit.

    Mistaken identity between cartels, even though there is no fire arm protection down there for the private citizen.

    This off shoot of the LDS, was a polygamous faction that moved south of the border when it was outlawed in the US and has been in NUTTY trouble since, prison, murder, etc. (same family btw) and now stories coming out about NY State base NVIUM recruited out of that area???

    Again, no one should die this way, but why the FUCK do you bring a family into Mexico other than for nefarious reasons?? Historical or otherwise.

  7. Non-Hispanic members of the LDS Church and various offshoots have been in Mexico since the late 1800’s. They were forced to return to the US during the worst years of the (most recent) Revolution, but many returned after things more or less calmed down (not Bro. Mitt’s family).

    They are not the only non-Hispanic religious groups in the area. There are a few Mennonite colonies there as well.

    Matt Walsh condemned the NYT for “othering” the victims. I agree that they should be condemned, but I have to admit that my first thought was, “Is this related to the old murderous LeBaron feud?” I hope not. Ervil LeBaron and his followers were as evil as any cartel hitman (check the wikipedia article about him).

  8. @ACParker November 7, 2019 at 12:24 am

    > Ervil LeBaron and his followers were as evil as any cartel hitman (check the wikipedia article about him).

    Definitely not American.

    (Way too much work.
    And too few bowties.

    Must be magic dirt Mexicans.
    Doing what Americans are too lazy to do.)

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