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Why is S.E. Cupp a Moron?

Saturday, 27 June 2015, 10:00 BFH 35

Let me start by saying iOTW called out S.E. Cupp back when it wasn’t fashionable to do so. S.E. Cupp is a moron because she thinks conservatives must move toward [Read More]

Virgin Mary Beheaded

Saturday, 27 June 2015, 8:30 BFH 21

The list of suspects include the left or Islam. What does that tell you?   Twitter: @JasonChisel

Mind Rape vs Free Speech

Saturday, 27 June 2015, 8:00 Cardigan 15

Via the Bullpen, from Czar of Defenestration: This is a nice description of WHY the Right loses year after year…and HOW WE CAN WIN…after a LOT of work. It takes a [Read More]

Is This Cool?

Saturday, 27 June 2015, 7:26 BFH 24

Oh ya, he’s a lefty. So it’s okay. HT/ Jason Chisel – NewChisel.com

Blacks are not progressives

Saturday, 27 June 2015, 0:30 BFH 19

I’ve said it dozens of times on this site. Blacks are not progressives. Below are the top progressive issues: LBGT rights, Separation of church and state, Election Spending, Energy and Environment, Climate Change, Gun Control, Immigration reform. The [Read More]

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