Challenging the Old Guard – IOTW Report

Challenging the Old Guard


A new intellectual and spiritual movement has been brewing in academic circles and think tanks. The old fusionist consensus among conservatives, focused on free markets and individual liberty, now faces coordinated pushback from a group that views the increasing costs and barriers to family formation as one of the biggest threats to American society.

While some believe America must abandon liberalism as a whole, others advocate for a more Christianized liberalism. Families, not individuals, are the fundamental units of society, and both believe that lawmakers ought to pass legislation that benefits families, even if it requires government intervention.


6 Comments on Challenging the Old Guard

  1. Speaking of just wondering but does anyone else see visions of Kamala shaking a CPR dummy and asking it if it’s okay after seeing the recent ad saying she always asked her crime victims if they were okay?

    The evidence says otherwise Kamala Chameleon…

  2. The government (busybodies on steroids) have no business in anything but what is outlined in the Constitution. Their meddling destroyed the Black family unit leading to disaster in the Black community today. Their meddling lead to countless wars around the world, massive debt, perverse social engineering and the list goes on. They have destroyed everything that made this country great – morals, values, patriotism, freedom, self sufficiency, optimism and motivation. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are now coming for your children and your very souls. When will citizens say ENOUGH?


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