Charlie Daniels: I Wonder, Could America Come Together Again, Win WWII Today? – IOTW Report

Charlie Daniels: I Wonder, Could America Come Together Again, Win WWII Today?

CNS: December 7, 1941, as we all know was the day the Japanese executed a sneak attack on the United States Naval Base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii destroying much of the fleet stationed there and severely limiting America’s military presence in the Pacific.

Four days later, on December 11, President Roosevelt and the American Congress declared war on Japan and Hitler’s Germany, and the next four and a half years would see America and its allies engaged with extremely tough and brilliant enemies in two theaters of war half a world away from each other.

Jan. 26, 1943: An infantryman is on guard on Grassy Knoll in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands during World War II. (AP Photo)

The drafting of adult young men went into full swing. American industry quickly converted to a war time footing, building tanks, planes and ships and manufacturing the guns and ammunition required to carry on the massive war effort.

The battles were bloody, the casualty lists long and heartbreaking, and the news was many times dark and ominous with the American troops many times losing ground and having to retreat.

But America was bound together by a pervasive caliber of patriotism in those days, a feeling among the population that it was not only the young men flying the planes and storming the beaches who were at war, but every citizen of the nation – those who operated the assembly lines, built the machinery of war and prayed to Almighty God for safety and victory and went to bed at night knowing full well that no swastika or rising sun would ever fly above our beloved nation.

There was a feeling of “We’re all in this thing together,” and that America would fight, even if it meant taking the shotguns and deer rifles out of the closet and defending our shores from foreign invaders.

When I look around at our fragmented nation today, with so many factions, so many pressure groups, so many varied opinions of what kind of country we should have, the two political parties which seem to exist only to obstruct each other’s efforts, I can’t help but wonder if we could ever mount the kind of concerted effort it took to win World War II.  read more

26 Comments on Charlie Daniels: I Wonder, Could America Come Together Again, Win WWII Today?

  1. I would fight against an invading force gladly. I would not go fight abroad, why should I? So I can come home and have my white kids discriminated against in college admissions and job applications by refugees from the country I may have helped defeat and six months before wanted to kill me on a field of battle? No thanks! Multi cultural America can have the Privelege of fighting that war.

  2. If we were to eliminate the lying-ass media in the first wave – Yes, yes it could.

    The media is the biggest evil because it always purports a negative sentiment about conflicts whether the conflict is necessary or not.

    In order to win a war, eliminate the media first. After that, take the fight to the enemy and rip them a new asshole. The reason the media doesn’t like Trump is that they know he’s non-politically correct and will actually try to win a war if need be.

    To that I say, good for him!

  3. If the attack on Pearl Harbor happened in 2001 we would be constantly getting lectured against Shintophobia. We would be importing as many Japanese as possible and giving them preferential treatment.

  4. Do you remember how the Hollywood elite were climbing over each other to get into the military in WWII? Do you think this new bunch of commie shitbirds in Hollywood would feel the same?

  5. We’re already in WWIII and our mortal enemy, the word that cannot be uttered, a particular religion and it’s adherents cannot be uttered. They have used our political system to erect shrines of their victory in our neighborhoods while politicians shy from the fight. Post 9/11.
    We send brave people overseas to fight , but elect a president and various islamothugs to Congress.
    The fascists bully local elected officials to do their will.
    Muzzfucks aren’t being sent to internment camps like American Japanese were in 1941.

    They’re imbedded in our government at all levels.

  6. Something to consider. Historically our country was a casual gun culture country. Meaning our fathers and grandfathers use to use them to put meat on the table, protect cattle, etc. They were tools, as they should be considered. Now days if your in the gun culture you are focused, and not on killing dinner.

    Every week end, every gun range.

  7. Not even if we were invaded. Commies and cucks would be giving free rides and blowjobs to enemy soldiers to red States and the front.

    Enemedia is preemptively blaming Trump for Kim Hi Fat nuking Manhatten.

  8. There is literally nothing that pisses me off more than the new, blue domed mosque that the citizens of henrico, va fought hard against but county council approved against will of the citizenry in 2012.

    It’s an insult and an abomination.

  9. @Bad Brad. You’re right
    Dad gave my first rifle at 13 Years old

    It’s just a tool. There was never thought that it was a weapon to be raised in anger or even self defense. It was simply a device for recreation.

    Shot a chipmunk and later felt bad about it.

  10. PHenry

    I hope you watched the video. Those guys are GOOD. And not uncommon. So their maybe less Patriots (I doubt that seriously) but there’s a shit load of civilians walking around that will give any elite military force a run for their money.

  11. Sure we could. Prior to WW2, the U.S. was bitterly divided between isolationists and those who saw going to war as inevitable and necessary. Pearl Harbor changed all that overnight. When attacked by an external force, Americans will always join together and do what is necessary to win. The times make the man, not the other way around.

    The biggest problem we have right now is that the next threat may not be external, but internal. That we don’t deal with as well. For details, see the Unpleasantness Between the States (or as we in the South call it, “The War of Northern Aggression”).


  12. True, but I think the isolationists of the 1930s didn’t hate America. The internal dissenters today do hate America.

    Anyway, today I think the only way we could unite, fight, and win a world war would be if we take hits on major cities significant enough to kill political correctness. Bringing about the will to dispatch the internal traitors ASAP and be serious about winning. Hasn’t happened yet as evidenced by the PC controlled TSA crap at airports.

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