Chicago Endures 30 Shootings, 4 Fatalities Over Labor Day Weekend – IOTW Report

Chicago Endures 30 Shootings, 4 Fatalities Over Labor Day Weekend

Chicago has been focused on preparing for weekends by getting guns off the streets by Fridays with weekday raids. Police conducted raids before Memorial Day weekend that netted 49 weapons, but the holiday weekend still saw 52 people shot.

Chicago Endures 30 Shootings, 4 Fatalities Over Labor Day Weekend

15 Comments on Chicago Endures 30 Shootings, 4 Fatalities Over Labor Day Weekend

  1. If only President Trump would quit colluding with Russia, kicking poor little children out of the country and tweeting all day long he could focus on Chicago’s murder rate.

  2. Chicken feed! Those Chicagoans are pikers when it comes to murder! There are plenty more fatalities where they came from! It’s going to take a long, long time to equal 50 million abortions and counting!

  3. Here’s a good one (true story) for you guys. This post got me to thinking about the song “Chicago”. You know, “that toddlin’ town”, etc. I couldn’t remember all the words, so a few minutes ago I Googled “Chicago lyrics” and went to one of the top sites listed. While I was reading the lyrics, up pops a screen that says my Adobe Flash Player needs to be updated, and immediately my antivirus program starts yelling that it has blocked a “Web Attack by Fake Flash Player Download”. I had to completely shut down my browser to get it to stop, during which time it made no less than five separate attacks on my PC.

    Anyway, I guess what I’m saying is that apparently it’s not even safe to go to Chicago on the Internet.


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