Psephurus gladius – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Straits Times
Psephurus gladius, a Chinese paddlefish living in the Yangtze River, was declared extinct, according to a paper from Chinese experts at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute.
The paper published on Dec 23 on the online edition of the international journal Science of The Total Environment shows that the largest freshwater fish in China might have gone extinct between 2005 and 2010. More
Apparently, that leaves just one other known species for this primitive fish, found in the Mississippi river basin. More
Sure be happy to round up all the Asian carp we were foolish enough to take and return to them to offset their loss.
…aaand, they were so VERY important that no one noticed or cared for 10 years…
…God gave us fish, not SPECIFIC fish. He may take one and give another. Don’t see this being the start of the End Times even if it’s true and the fish doesn’t simply exist somewhere that Chinese biologist can’t torment it to death.
…I can still get SOMETHING reasonably priced at Frish’s with breading and tartar sauce on it, so I’m good…
Now they’re up Shih Tzu Creek without a paddlefish.
Chinese will destroy Africa by mining for light metals and scarring the earth with Nebraska sized mines while killing off every animal in the continent so that Democrats can make you buy batteries…6 years, same temperature but no big cats, elephants etc in Africa.
Those fuckers piss me off with their penchant for killing any animal for some silly ass belief a certain organ or its flesh will promote better health or provide an aphrodisiac.
Us Hillbillies call Them “Spoonbill Catfish” …People used to fish
for Them near Dams , with stubby Rods and 100 pound test.
Yet another species wiped out of existence so a few million micro-dicked zipperheads could get a boner.
The left savages the west and capitalism for destroying the environment and bringing on global climate catastrophe but never says a damn word about China, India or Russia three of the biggest polluters on the planet. While the US is second (after China) in CO2 emitters it’s less then half of what China dumps. of the 15 worlds most polluted cities, 14 are in India. Russia has a fleet of decommissioned nuclear vessels just rusting and rotting away in harbors, some with the reactors still onboard. The hypocrisy of the progressive left is breathtaking.
” Sure be happy to round up all the Asian carp we were foolish enough to take and return to them to offset their loss. ”
Ha! I came here to write something like that.
Thank goodness that carp can’t get into
the saltwater and mess my fishing all up.
We got the invasive Lion fish here now in the gulf.
Also the Cuban Anole lizard has made it’s way here in La Marque all the way from Miami.
Who cares?
@RADIOATIONMAN HAM/CB/AM/FM/SSB/LSMFT: I was going to say that the anole lizard has been in our area for many, many decades, but then I checked and found out that, indeed, the Cuban brown anole is displacing our traditional green anoles (which can turn brown when they want, whereas the Cuban ones stay brown).
So…I sit corrected.