China instructs Bible to be rewritten as pro-communist: report – IOTW Report

China instructs Bible to be rewritten as pro-communist: report

AMN: The Chinese Communist Party instructed the Bible and other religious texts to be rewritten in an expressly pro-communist perspective that conforms with the party’s goals.

In November, a group of 16 different experts and religious representatives were called on to attend a meeting of the Chinese Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.  Those religious leaders were then instructed to review their religious texts and reinterpret them to conform with the values of the country’s communist party doctrine, according to the Daily Mail.

Wang Yang, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, reportedly told the gathered religious leaders they must interpret their religious views in their texts to meet the instructions of Communist Party Chairman Xi Jinping and fulfill “the requirements of the era.”

Those selected religious officials reportedly agreed with instructions of the Chinese ruling Communist Party and agreed to undertake the effort to review and amend or re-translate their various religious texts.

12 Comments on China instructs Bible to be rewritten as pro-communist: report

  1. Wang Yang? Really?! It’s Christmas Day not April Fool’s Day.
    I pretty sure this sort of thing is promised not to end well.

    However, they probably prayed for guidance about this as diligently as Nancy Pelosi did for guidance overseeing the impeachment circus.

  2. Xi, the Chinese Jesus. A moron calling himself ‘barack hussein obama’ tried being the black Jesus, but then, he was a moron.

    Xi is no moron. But like obama, he is a fascist. Unlike obama, Xi is not a traitor. Nor a pussy. Nor is he saddled with (or has a saddle on) a grotesque beast he call a wife.

    Beware of Xi. Hang obama.


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