Chinese Killed At Least 10,000 At Tiananmen Square, Newly Declassified Documents Claim – IOTW Report

Chinese Killed At Least 10,000 At Tiananmen Square, Newly Declassified Documents Claim

Daily Caller: Newly declassified British communications paint a more gruesome and detailed picture of China’s 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre than ever before.

Communications from Sir Alan Donald, British Ambassador to China at the time, described injured students begging for their lives before being bayoneted by soldiers, and the remains of protesters being incinerated and then flushed into drains, the Independent reported Saturday. Donald’s source for the communication was a “good friend” serving on China’s State Council who he said had “previously proved reliable and was careful to separate fact from speculation and rumour.”

“The 27 Army APCs [armoured personnel carriers] opened fire on the crowd before running over them. APCs ran over troops and civilians at 65kph,” Donald wrote. “Students understood they were given one hour to leave square, but after five minutes APCs attacked.”

Donald said that the attacking troops – the 27 Army of Shanxi Province – were “primitives,” 60 percent of whom were illiterate. Donald later said that his friend in the Chinese government said they’d been chosen because they were the most loyal to the communist government.  more here

14 Comments on Chinese Killed At Least 10,000 At Tiananmen Square, Newly Declassified Documents Claim

  1. Shows a pretty remarkable restraint on the part of the ChiComs.

    I mean, for a group proven to have killed over 100 Million, that’s minuscule.

    An unarmed population is a subject population.
    (which explains the “gun control” crowd in THIS country)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This information was published in the West shortly after the events, and then suppressed. I remember seeing at least one photo of crushed, mangled bodies after being mowed down by the tanks.

    Remember Chairman Mao’s dictum that in China even a million is reckoned a small number.

  3. The more gruesome part of the details released is that they used their tanks to repeatedly run over the dead “making a pie” out of their remains and them scraping them up with bulldozers.

    Their current government is the fruit of that barbarism. Visit any news website mentioning this and you’ll see it’s flooded with Engrish-speaking Chicoms talking about the US and Kent State, or US involvement in Vietnam. Squirrel alerts about what the Japanese did at Nanking.

    Others spreading propaganda that it was US and Japanese soldiers who were driving the tanks. Almost no one in China born after 1989 knows what the Tiananmen Square massacre was or that it ever happened.

    And that’s with the help of Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Twitter who are active and enthusiastic partners in the censorship campaign.

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