Chuck Schumer Gets Some Much Needed Senate “Collegiality” – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer Gets Some Much Needed Senate “Collegiality”

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) exchanged pleasantries with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over breaking his word on not delaying the vote on confirming Mike Pompeo for CIA Director.  Schumer tried to cleverly reply back asking former army captain Cotton where he was eight years ago when the republicans dragged their feet on confirming Obama’s nominees.    The honorable gentleman from Arkansas gave the Senate leader a much deserved beatdown for his attempted insult.


9 Comments on Chuck Schumer Gets Some Much Needed Senate “Collegiality”

  1. Sick burn, as the kids say. Reminds me of this one on twitter…

    Piers Morgan: The 2nd amendment was devised with muskets in mind, not high-powered handguns & assault rifles. Fact.”

    Carol Roth: “@piersmorgan It was devised 4 people 2b able 2 protect themselves w same type of weaponry used by those from whom they might need protection.”

    Piers Morgan: “@caroljsroth Where exactly does it say that in the Constitution – must have missed it?”

    Carol Roth: “@piersmorgan right next to the word ‘muskets.’”

  2. like so many other dems, schumer avoided military service and will never relate to our wonderful vets

    the irony is that such liberal assholes would have benefited from serving our military from the appreciation gained, but the military benefited more from them not joining

  3. Anyone who hasn’t figured out what Schmuckles the Klown is after about 15 seconds of hearing him speak, doesn’t read people very well.

    And if he doesn’t speak for the other 47 Demonrat Senators, then why is he “Minority Leader?”

    He’s a poor liar – but a liar, nonetheless.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Schemer strives to be as nasty as his predecessor. He just doesn’t have the testes or intelligence, or careless evil of Reid, to go against a real person, like Tom Cotton.

  5. I think anytime from now on when the two sides of the Senate agree on something the Majority Leader asks the Minority Leader whether his agreement is only representing him or does he speak for the whole Democrat caucus. EACH AND EVERY TIME. When anyone asks why they bring up the vote that he weaseled on and say that he’s shown himself to be untrustworthy and that’s why the GOP is forced to do this.

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