A caller tries to defend the IRS totalitarian hammer by saying “if you apply for tax exempt status and part of your organization’s platform is that you want to abolish the IRS, you can bet your last dollar I am going to do everything I can to shut you down. That’s just the way it is.”
What this numbnut is describing is the very essence of abuse of power. How would he feel about conservatives in power striking down every effort progressives make to try and have a legal voice?
He would be cool with the remark, “hey, that’s just the way it is.”
Lefties are despicable.
And no, I wouldn’t be in favor of shutting down progressive dissent by censoring and abusing them.
ht/ annie
What a world of evil was opened up with the widening acceptance of the use of govt – an institution whose every function requires the use of force by one group over another – as a mechanism to achieve anything other than the protection of the property rights of those who have voluntarily formed and consented to that govt.
Without zealously applied sanctions, the inherent power of govt will always attract those who would use it for other purposes, and any other purpose is contradictory to that initial one of protecting rights.
The US has no such sanctions, none that work anyway, and the govt has become a multi-factioned mob, sometimes working in concert, sometimes in conflict with fellow mobsters, but always to the detriment of individuals who simply want to be left alone to organize their lives and voluntary relationships as they wish. And to add insult to injury to injury, we the individual people are told that these mobs protect us and we owe them gratitude and treasure and at times our lives to protect them.
It should be clear to any level-headed lover of liberty that govts simply cannot be controlled, even with the best of constitutions, namely the Constitution of the United States. So, hy aren’t there more propertarian/capitalist anarchists out there?
The IRS may not have began as a hammer, but that is what it evolved into. Or a better analogy is the carrot or the stick. Its existence is unnecessary when a flat tax or sales tax would be more efficient without the threat.
The Founding Fathers absolutely rejected and warned against the federal government taxing citizens directly. It was a progressive President Wilson, promising that only those who made more than $5 million per year would be taxed that got the amendment permitting taxes on earnings.
He broke that promise before his term was out.
This guy’s an idiot. That’s why he’s a only a clerk; the lowest entry level position.
Navigator, Peter Principle illustration. This ass probably couldn’t cut it at Burger King.
The United States ceased to be a constitutional republic many years ago. It is currently a corporation that uses your labor as collateral for loans.