Climate Change on Trial – IOTW Report

Climate Change on Trial

The Michael Mann (hockey stick Mann) defamation case against Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg has been going for about a week now. It’s taken 12 years for Mann to face his detractors and try to bankrupt them legally.

Fortunately for us, Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer have been documenting the trial. They’ve taken the court transcripts, hired actors and have put out episodes of a new podcast they are calling “Climate Change on Trial.” Here

Here’s a sample of Mark Steyn’s opening statements (Steyn is representing himself). Listen

4 Comments on Climate Change on Trial

  1. @Claudia
    I think he sued them also.


    I think he threatened to sue them if they didn’t take the video down. They took it down, but many others posted it, so it’s still out there. Don’t know if the dirt bag still sued them. – Claudia


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