Clinton Foundation Back To Tax Fraud After One Year Break – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation Back To Tax Fraud After One Year Break

If it’s a day that ends in y then the Clintons are back to laundering their personal money through their foundation. Records show that after taking a one year hiatus “nearly all of the money written off as charity on prior Clinton tax returns has gone to the foundation.”

Thousands of dollars of foundation money has been “dispersed” to a political organization, “Onward Together,” which then pays “rent” to Bill Clinton’s holding company. More

10 Comments on Clinton Foundation Back To Tax Fraud After One Year Break

  1. The depends have been ordered, the fat guy with the seizure needle just checked in, the Scooby Van is back from Jiffy Lube, and Bill is under 24-7 sedation. “Onward Together” is ready for another crazy, wild, face plant in the presidential cesspool.

  2. If their going to serious griff, they at least have to pretend like Hillary is going to run again. Otherwise, no one is going to put a penny into the Foundation now.


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