Clinton gave State Department appointments to 194 donors – IOTW Report

Clinton gave State Department appointments to 194 donors

WashingtonExaminer: Hillary Clinton placed dozens of her donors on State Department advisory boards between 2009 and 2012, federal records show.

The former secretary of state’s agency appointed 194 donors who had given either to her family’s foundation, her political campaigns, or both, or were affiliated with groups that had.

Those donors represented nearly 40 percent of the 511 advisory appointments the State Department made during Clinton’s tenure.  MORE

5 Comments on Clinton gave State Department appointments to 194 donors

  1. “High level appointments” are truly patronage positions established for rewarding contributors and/or groups who desire to place themselves or friends to political positions. Typically most appointments are of little, to no usefulness to accomplish the duties or responsibilities of the agencies. They are purely for rewarding political contributors, friends and family. It is a long standing practice that is an unnecessary and a wasteful practice throughout all government agencies.

    Want to end $100s of Millions of dollars of waste and corruption?
    End Patronage.

  2. Man, think of the ad Trump could create. A third of the screen explaining what the viewer is seeing below. The bottom 2/3’s is scrolling the Name, Position appointed to and the Donation amount to the Clinton Fund. Devastating.

  3. I hope Trump reviews all patronage positions and eliminates the majority. Of course the GOP sluggards will be clamoring, they will want their share of the pie, as they’ve had it in the past.
    I hope I see a new Sheriff in town who will cut the waste and corruption. Enough perks for political contributors and hacks who bring little to the table.

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