Clinton Recount Plan Draws Sore Loser Jibe From Team Trump – IOTW Report

Clinton Recount Plan Draws Sore Loser Jibe From Team Trump

The Democrat’s campaign didn’t plan to initiate the recounts on its own because it hasn’t found “any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology,” Elias wrote.

Bloomberg: Hillary Clinton’s campaign will participate in vote recounts of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan if they take place, drawing a rebuke from Donald Trump’s team that the Democrat is being a “sore loser” and part of a “ridiculous” effort.

If Green Party candidate Jill Stein initiates recounts in those states as she intends, the Clinton campaign “will participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides,” Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias said Saturday in a post on the blogging website He added that he doesn’t expect the action to overturn Trumps election.

Trump focused on Stein, not Clinton, in a response. “The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, ‘We must accept this result and then look to the future,”’ he said in a statement.

Kellyanne Conway, who was Trump’s campaign manager and is now a senior adviser, was less conciliatory. “What a pack of sore losers,” she said in a statement. “After asking Mr. Trump and his team a million times on the trail, ‘Will HE accept the election results?’ it turns out Team Hillary and their new BFF Jill Stein can’t accept reality.”  MORE

28 Comments on Clinton Recount Plan Draws Sore Loser Jibe From Team Trump

  1. The Trump Team should take any threat seriously. The Clintons are not political neophytes (this election seems to be the exception) and there must be an angle that directly benefits them, whether they are getting donations to pay back all the influence money they got or seeing an opportunity to steal the election. Trump needs boots on the ground to oversee any election recount. We’ll have to do it like we did Walker’s re-election. After the recount he needs to utterly destroy the Clintons and their surrogate minions. They are a danger to his presidency, to the Constitution and to America itself.

  2. Not surprising this will give the Demon-crats the opportunity to fix their election fix-it machine that failed so badly during the last election. Remember they got the village idiot in Minnesota elected to the Senate after they fixed a recount!

  3. 5 million expats overseas and over 3 million voted. These votes are never counted except in instances of inability to call the state or recounts. Save to say 95% of expats voted Republican. Hope they know these forgotten voters will now decide Wisconsin. Waste of money for Stein…the bought and paid for piece of shit.

  4. I hope the GOP is responding aggressively with observers for this “recount” because those scumbag democrats will be finding “lost” boxes of ballots just like they did when that piece of shit Al Franken “won” his senate seat.

  5. Thank goodness. Glad to see Team Trump is watching. Get boots on the ground with your attorneys. Time is ticking by. I am stilled troubled by Stein’s invitation to the rabble rousers to attend the recounts, i.e. trash the joints and destroy honest ballots. Cops need to permeate those recounting places like never before. Any trouble makers get hauled off unconscious. Then booked as terrorists, until trial dates after recounting is done.

  6. what ever happened to the good days playing sports- hey you guys won=good game – high fives or a smack on the butt. glad I am old-not much longer to put up with this stuff- remember me- I fought the good fight-I stayed the course and kept the faith.

  7. National recount, state recount? Every state runs it’s own electorate. In fact every county in California. Throwing in the Xpat vote only in case of a recount seems a little strange to me.

  8. Southwesterner: As you mentioned elsewhere, who has been watching the ballots since the last count? Are they just sitting in someone’s office where people are free to come and go? Everyone’s guard has been down since Hitlery conceded. If this gets to a legal battle, what is the “chain of evidence? My fear is that the dems don’t even care about appearances anymore,and will boldly cheat until they “win”. Chaos will ensue with our side marching in the streets and Obozo declaring martial law. I know this is far-fetched, but I will not rest easy until DJT takes the oath of office. Obama and Hill were just a little TOO conciliatory on Nov. 9. They are definitely up to no good.

  9. What form does this participation take? Given the Clinton’s proclivities, it means active interference with the process questioning every detail of the count, litigating every decision that does against them, smearing any official who complains about interference, organizing mobs to protest noisily, and riot if the recount affirms the first.

  10. This is all lies on the part of Clinton. Her and her campaign have been working overtime on this. They’ve just kept it quiet and used Stien as her proxy. The media has been silent also. I bet on Monday this whole thing officially kicks off.
    It seems like just a few weeks ago they were criticizing Trump on whether he’d accept the results or not.

  11. Trump needs to honor the threat here. As mentioned, boots on the ground and track the chain of possession of the ballots. With luck his people already foresaw this may happen and put people there the night of the election. I believe that this attempt will fail and it’s all bets are off with Clinton. Trump should leave it to his DOJ to make the decision to reopen the investigations into Clinton’s activities as well as create a commission to investigate the 2016 election. Find and prosecute any wrongdoing regardless of party and make sure prison time is served. At the same time they ought to create recommendations on voting procedure to eliminate fraud or make it so expensive and dangerous that the liberals won’t be able to find enough people to make a difference.

  12. This is just to delegitimize the Trump win to try to marginalized him and undermine him for the next four years. If they thought they could overturn the election the 1,000 lawyers she had on retainer would be swarming the state’s in question. Trump needs to now name the special prosecutor he is assigning to investigate HRCs foundation pay to play. Enough already, this is war.

  13. Tony R…that is my concern as well. I would be so happy to hear that watchers for Trump were in place in every state post election to avoid this very thing. I would wager not, sadly. I also have another thought- Jill Stein was on the national ballot in every state. My sense of smell tells me her entry fees were prepaid by Soros and Clinton to provide this very action. Challenge and demand recounts in any state Cankles thinks she can swindle/stuff/flip and cheat to win. All done by her proxy, Stein. So the queen will appear as innocent, blaming the Russians (planted by her own people in the machines before they were taken off-line possibly. Then voila…found on audit, and blamed on Trump.
    The words praising her afterwards by Trump turned my stomach. He surely can smell the rotted rat in her.

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