CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month – IOTW Report

CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

The “metered” paywall will require frequent users to pony up to keep accessing the site.

15 Comments on CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

  1. Unless the DNC ponies up.

    As one of many Propaganda arms of the DNC, they’ve been “Bought & Paid For” for quite some time!
    They don’t have a large enough following to pay the freight with just advertising.

  2. This will certainly cut down on accidental click traffic, and hopefully with in the year there will be massive lay offs of staff and replacing them with dancing AI emoji monkeys throwing emoji piles of shit. They can start with Chief Media Anal Cyst, Brian #braindead Stelter, It will be an improvement if they want to stay relevant with their #lowIQ repeat audience of 17.


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