CNN put Kamala at the kids’ table – IOTW Report

CNN put Kamala at the kids’ table

Gateway Pundit:

Kamala Stumbles in CNN Interview — Bumblehead Blurts Out Word Salad Nonsense in Safe Zone Interview (VIDEO)

If Democrats are lucky enough to manufacture enough votes to ‘win’ in 2024, we will have the second Democrat President in a row who cannot string together a coherent sentence.

Kamala Harris sat for her sanitized, pre-taped, friendly media first interview on Thursday, and it was as disastrous as expected.

Kamala Harris could not help but blurt out a nonsensical string of words to discuss an urgent matter or something.

She really can’t talk.

Kamala Harris blurted out this nonsense, “It is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

SEE ALSO: Kamala Harris Met with “Trump” Chants as She Arrives to Softball CNN Interview in Georgia (VIDEO)

25 Comments on CNN put Kamala at the kids’ table

  1. Minus the videos and the commercials this “hard hitting” interview last 18 minutes. No wonder she’s been hiding for the last month. Trump may gwt one shot at her if she goes through with a debate. Otherwise you won’t hear much until election day.

  2. Back to the slow rolling bus tour to eat up the clock. From staged event to staged event, anything but a one on one with some one asking real questions.

    While DJT happily sits down with hostile pundits and eats them alive, this idiot needs to be force fed pablum. It’s why they want any debate sooner rather then later so the horror word salads can be memory holed by the MSM.

    All those vacations Biden took aren’t looking so bad now are they? At least they kept most of his idiocy under wraps. If this goofball is frauded into the WH, the cringe she’ll bring down on us will be monumental.

  3. @richardp…

    “Trump may get one shot at her if she goes through with a debate…”

    At this point, the deep state might get a shot at her before she can go through with a debate.

    Forget that stupid “deadlines around time”. This election year, it’s apparently all “timelines around death”.

    And don’t stop watching your own back, PDT. It’s open season, and they’re still out there, for whatever they can bag.

  4. Thirdtwin
    Friday, 30 August 2024, 8:27 at 8:27 am

    “Trump may get one shot at her if she goes through with a debate…”

    At this point, the deep state might get a shot at her before she can go through with a debate.”


  5. And let’s not underestimate the importance of word recycling. We can use fewer words and say more! Over the passage of time, it’s important not to waste this precious resource and recycling our words reminds us of how important words are. But it’s also important not to mince words.

  6. Uncle Al, I got tired of hearing it when I scored student essays years ago. Readers thought it made them sound smart, so they would come to me to have me help them interpret the student’s “word salad”. Sigh.

    One person started calling it Dictionary Puke. That never caught on.

  7. We used to put vendors on a short chair when negotiating contracts. Working for a beer company, we brought in all the free beer you could drink. Our chief negotiator sat in front of the door to the conference/negotiation room. Eventually, nature won.


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